Christian Doctor Found Not Guilty of Serious Misconduct for Praying With Patient

International   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Sep 14, 2023   |   4:27PM   |   London, England

A Christian doctor has won a legal victory in the UK and been found not guilty of “serious misconduct” for praying with his patients.

The doctor received a number of complaints after offering spiritual care to some patients, even though studies show that prayer helps patients in terms of physical recovery and mental health and even though patients consented to the conversations and prayers.

Dr. Richard Scott, from Kent, United Kingdom, said Christians need to “stand up and fight” for their beliefs after he came under attack.

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Scott saw the 19-year-old man at the Bethesda Medical Centre in Margate, Kent, England, on Aug. 25, 2022.

According to the BBC, the patient has a history of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and was suffering from poor mental health at the time of his appointment.

The Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service concluded, however, that Dr. Richard Scott “overstepped the boundaries” when he prayed with the patient.

During the consultation, Scott is alleged to have talked about his faith and clasped the man’s hand in prayer before giving him a Bible.

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Scott was brought before the tribunal after the patient’s mother complained to NHS England.

The doctor, who has practiced since 1983, told the tribunal that he engaged in a conversation about faith after receiving the patient’s consent.

Scott defends standing up for his faith and providing spiritual assistance to his patients.

“I want Christians to toughen up in this country because prayer is hugely beneficial and makes a huge difference to people’s health, and it shouldn’t be controversial. We need to stand up and fight,” Scott said.

“I fought this case because I want to encourage other Christians to share their faith in the workplace when it is relevant and not to be cowed by professional organizations. We have good news that we should be able to speak into, which is in line with the GMC guidelines and the ECHR Articles 9 and 10, to manifest your religion.”