Ron DeSantis: “I’ll Be a Pro-Life President”

National   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Sep 14, 2023   |   10:33AM   |   Washington, DC

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis gave a new interview in which he confirmed he would advance pro-life policies if elected president.

The Republican hopeful has signed multiple pieces of pro-life legislation as the governor of Florida. Most recently he signed a heartbeat law to protect babies with beating hearts from abortions and before that he signed a 15 week abortion ban.

DeSantis  told CBS News Wednesday that he would continue those pro-life policies as president.

“I support pro-life policies,” he said. “I’ll be a pro-life president. But at the same time, I’ve got to chart the course and be honest with people about, OK, how do you advance the ball like we did in Florida? And the way you do that is really bottom up.”

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DeSantis said it was important to protect babies from abortions in Florida because it was becoming an abortion hotspot since surrounding states had passed pro-life laws protecting babies.

Asked if he supported putting women in prison, DeSantis said no and explained that, like every abortion ban in American history, the penalties are on the abortionist who kills the baby.

“We have no criminal penalties, the penalties are for the physician,” he said.

“It is not for the women,” he said. “We’ve litigated this.”