DeSantis Campaign Bashes Trump for Slamming Heartbeat Law: “DeSantis Will Never Sell Out Conservatives”

National   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Sep 18, 2023   |   9:08AM   |   Washington, DC

Ron DeSantis’ presidential campaign bashes Donald Trump Sunday night after a new interview in which Trump called the heartbeat law DeSantis signed a “terrible mistake.”

As LifeNews reported, in a weekend interview, Trump called a heartbeat law protecting babies from abortion a “terrible mistake,” earning scorn from pro-life advocates who say Trump can’t be the nominee if he seriously opposes pro-life legislation to protect unborn children.

The DeSantis campaign responded on X, formerly Twitter, with a post of the interview and it said:

Trump says he will compromise with Democrats on abortion so that they’re nice to him: “Both sides are going to like me.” Then he says it’s “a terrible thing” babies with heartbeats are protected in Iowa, Florida, and South Carolina. RonDeSnatis will NEVER sell out conservatives to win praise from corporate media or the Left.

DeSantis’s communications director Andrew Romeo also responded to the Trump interview.

We’ve already seen the disastrous results of Donald Trump compromising with Democrats: over $7 trillion in new debt, an unfinished border wall, and the jailbreak First Step Act letting violent criminals back on to the streets. Republicans across the country know that Ron DeSantis will never back down.

In a new interview with NBC’s Meet the Press, the former president denounced Florida’s heartbeat law protecting unborn children from abortion after six weeks when their heartbeat can be detected, calling it “a terrible thing” and “a terrible mistake.”

Trump also refused to commit to supporting a national law to at least protect babies from abortions starting at 15 weeks.

NBC’s Kristen Welker asked Trump: “If a federal ban landed on your desk, if you were reelected, would you sign it – at 15 weeks?”

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“Are you talking about a complete ban?” Trump asked.

“A ban at 15 weeks,” Welker said.

“Well, people are starting to think of 15 weeks, it seems to be a number that people are talking about right now,” Trump said.

“Would you sign that?” Welker pressed.

“I would sit down with both sides and I’d negotiate something, and we’ll end up with peace on that issue for the first time in 52 years,” Trump said. “I’m not gonna say if I would or I wouldn’t.”

“I mean DeSantis would sign a five-week and six-week ban,” he added

“Would you support that?” Welker asked.

“I think what he did is a terrible thing and a terrible mistake,” Trump said.

Instead of protecting babies from abortions at 6 weeks, Trump suggested going after Democrats on late-term abortion.

“But we’ll come up with a number, but at the same time, Democrats won’t be able to go out at six months, seven months, eight months and allow an abortion,” Trump replied.

He also said abortion could be addressed at the state or federal level.

“It could be state or it could be federal, I don’t frankly care,” the former US President asserted. “No, no. Let me just tell you what I’d do. I’m going to come together with all groups, and we’re going to have something that’s acceptable.”

Trump’s comments immediately drew criticism from pro-life advocates.

“Laws protecting the unborn are not a ‘terrible mistake,’” wrote Alliance Defending Freedom President Kristen Waggoner in response to Trump’s remark. “They are the hallmark of a just and moral society. Governors who protect life should be applauded, not attacked.”