Donald Trump: Democrats Want to Kill Babies in Abortions Up to the 9th Month

National   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Sep 25, 2023   |   11:26AM   |   Washington, DC

Former President Donald Trump went after Democrats again in a new social media post he placed on his Truth Social platform.

“Roe v. Wade allowed the killing of a baby at any time, including the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th month, and even after birth,” he explained.

Talking about the Democrats, he explained that they “are the RADICALS, not us, and now, because of our Supreme Court victory, the power has shifted and, for the first time, those fighting for the Pro-Life movement have been given tremendous Power on this issue.”

However, Trump also went after pro-life Americans, incorrectly stating that they had nothing until he came along.

“Pro-lifers had absolutely zero status on the subject of abortion until I came along. For 52 years everyone ‘talked,’ but got nothing. I GOT IT DONE! There would be no talk of a six-week ban, or anything else, without me,” he said.

“Before our victory, they had nothing, and they will have nothing again if we don’t win ELECTIONS,” argued the president. “Like Ronald Reagan, I believe in the three Exceptions for Rape, Incest, and the Life of the Mother. You have to follow your HEART, but without Exceptions, it will be very hard to win Elections.”

Last week, Trump also exposed Democrats as the true extremists on abortion.

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“We have to expose the Democrats … as being the true radicals. They’re the radicals. Pro-lifers aren’t the radicals,” Trump said during the rally.

“They’re the radicals on the abortion issue, and you have to say that, and that they allow the killing of babies in the fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth month, and they even allow the killing of the baby after birth,” Trump said about Democrats.

Trump also emphasized that Republicans have to have a better message during the 2024 presidential campaign to win.

“Without the exceptions, it is very difficult to win elections. We would probably lose majorities [in Congress] in 2024 without the exceptions and perhaps the presidency itself,” Trump said.

Trump told supporters to “follow your heart” on whether it is appropriate to kill babies in cases of rape or incest but that strategically the pro-life position on such cases is not supported by a majority of Americans so it needs to be de-emphasized because Republicans still “have to win elections.”

“Without the exceptions, it is very difficult to win elections. We would probably lose the majorities in 2024 without the exceptions, and perhaps the presidency itself,” Trump said.

“But you have to follow your heart regardless, you have to follow your heart — can’t do it for just the election,” he said. “But you have to follow your heart. The same time, we have to win elections. Otherwise, we’ll be back where we were,” he added.

“In order to win in 2024, Republicans must learn how to properly talk about abortion,” Trump said.

Trump also celebrated the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade.

“Last year, I was able to do something that nobody thought was possible. And you have to really think about this and study this because it’s very important. We ended Roe v. Wade,” Trump said.

“You just think about it,” he added. “Because people have to get elected, we have to get elected. But I did something that for 52 years people talked, they spent vast amounts of money and fighting it, but they couldn’t get the job done. … They couldn’t get the job done. I got the job done. I got it done.”