Woman Who Survived Abortion: “God is Not OK With Abortion, Every Life He Creates is a Miracle”

National   |   Dave Andrusko   |   Sep 27, 2023   |   5:09PM   |   Washington, DC

According to the Washington Post, when Amelia Bonow, executive director of “Shout Your Abortion,” heard about pro-life signs along Highway I-55 from a friend in Illinois, she considered what she might do to counter-act the message.

Beginning in August, the product was six black and white billboards along I-55, which runs through Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Arkansas, Missouri, and Illinois, saying “Abortion is OK, you are loved” or “God’s plan includes abortion.” Illinois’s governor and legislature are rabidly pro-abortion while the other five states are pro-life.

The Washington Post story, written by Kyle Melnick, is predictably complimentary, gushing even. It begins with a 58-year-old woman who cried when she drove past a new billboard along Interstate 55 in Arkansas earlier this month.

“The billboard, which said in big block letters ‘God’s plan includes abortion,’ reminded her of the abortion she’d had 41 years ago,” Melnick wrote. “Seeing a message like the one she passed this month would’ve reassured her that the procedure was her best choice, she said.”

Bonow told Melnick, “It feels really good to think that we could have made somebody’s experience just a little bit easier.”

On Tuesday Lauren Eden and Jennifer Milbourn, who both survived their mother’s attempts to abort them in the womb, joined “FOX & Friends” to discuss their reaction to the signs that God is OK with abortion.

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“It’s absolutely heartbreaking,” Eden told Brian Kilmeade Tuesday. “As an abortion survivor, I want people to know the truth. And the truth is that God created life. He stands for life, and every life that He creates is a miracle,” Bailee Hill wrote for Fox News.

“The only love this group shows is for those who agree with them. While God’s love is for all people, this group is anti-life and we survivors are proof that they’re anti-life, because if they had their way, I wouldn’t be here and my children wouldn’t be here,” Milbourn continued.

“And abortion is the only medical procedure that when a doctor fails, a life is saved. And no matter how you try to spin it, abortion is not health care. And I’m not a disease to be taken care of, and we are the babies that survived the choice.”

Milbourn told Kilmeade that her mother “felt as if she had no other choice than abortion when she attempted to have the procedure done back in the 1970s, but echoed the need for more support for women struggling with unplanned pregnancies.”

“We survivors, we always want to encourage everyone who’s listening that in every situation you encounter, always choose life,” she said. “God is love, not abortion.”

Gary Bauer said the church should use this as motivation to teach the truth:

This is a perfect opportunity for every pastor to deliver a sermon explaining why that’s bad theology. After all, God said, “I have set before you life and death. . . Now choose life, so that you and your children may live.”

This isn’t political. It’s biblical.

LifeNews.com Note: Dave Andrusko is the editor of National Right to Life News and an author and editor of several books on abortion topics. This post originally appeared in at National Right to Life News Today —- an online column on pro-life issues.