Pro-Abortion Radicals Have Threatened to Rape and Kill Me Because I’m Pro-Life

Opinion   |   Lydia Taylor   |   Sep 29, 2023   |   1:20PM   |   Washington, DC

As a young, pro-life activist in college, my daily life looks pretty different from most other students. My peers wake up and scroll through social media; I wake up and scroll through all the hateful and threatening comments I’ve received overnight. These past few days have been especially terrible as I’ve received more than 20,000 messages after a pro-abortion comedian made a viral video attacking my pro-life beliefs.

I’ve been told that I should have been aborted and should get killed or raped — so “pro-woman,” right? However, while I find it very disturbing, I can’t say I’m surprised.

The abortion lobby supports violence in the womb when a baby is deemed an inconvenience … so of course they support violence against people like me, as I’m also inconvenient to their narrative. That’s why when a popular TikTok creator made a video criticizing me, her audience immediately flocked to my social media accounts to spread hate, find out my personal information and wish horrific violence upon me.

The video, posted a few weeks ago, already has more than 3 million views. Popular creators are echoing support for bashing me, including transgender celebrity Dylan Mulvaney who commented, “Nailed it.”

Hey Dylan, I thought abortion supporters believed in “No uterus, no opinion.”

I’ve since posted response videos, pointing out that while the abortion lobby claims to support women, they send actual death threats to females who have differing opinions. Pro-abortion commenters didn’t care; they told me that I deserved it all.

I deserve hatred online because I dare to think babies are precious? To be attacked in public bathrooms like I was earlier this year because I think women deserve better than abortion? To be continuously stalked, spit on and harassed because I think all humans deserve equal rights?

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Abortion supporters’ moral compass is clearly broken.

Yet when asked why I continue on despite all the backlash I’ve faced, my answer is simple. While I am a victim of pro-abortion intimidation and violence, the greatest victim of abortion will always be the preborn children killed every day. With such an inhumanity happening, I can’t bring myself to be silent — and especially while it is celebrated.

I’ve been told countless times by abortion supporters that they are going to get pregnant and name the baby “Lydia” after me just so they can abort it. How can I sit back when such injustice is accepted?

I can’t — so I continue to respond in love and offer help to women considering abortion. As a Students for Life of America (SFLA) spokesperson and intern, I’ve worked hard to make my state of North Carolina pro-life. This summer, I organized and led several protests and rallies in support of pro-life legislation. We successfully passed a 12-week abortion prevention act which both saves preborn lives and grants funds to pregnancy resource centers (and it’s only the beginning).

My school’s SFLA group works hard to make a pro-life impact on campus, as well. During my freshman year of college, we worked to pass a resolution to provide more accessible pregnancy resources to students, and it became the first pro-life resolution ever passed at my university. I also went on to change more than 120 students’ minds on the abortion issue — all while getting death threats slipped under my dorm door.

This is what being a part of the Pro-Life Generation is about: ignoring the abortion lobby’s extreme attempts to silence us and persevering to the win.

Lydia Taylor is the Students for Life of America president’s brand and marketing intern, as well as a student at a university in North Carolina.

In fact, I’ve learned that sometimes their violence can even be helpful. Several people have told me that the hatred they’ve seen from the abortion lobby towards me has convinced them to never support the pro-abortion side. Their true colors were revealed, and it turns out hating women and the preborn is pretty ugly looking — so keep up the good work.

Regardless of how long this hostility goes on (and I’m not holding my breath), our mission as the pro-life movement to promote a life-affirming culture is clear. That’s why I’m okay waking up every day to be met with threats and hatred…because every night I go to sleep knowing I am fighting on the right side of history.

LifeNews Note: Lydia Taylor is the Students for Life of America president’s brand and marketing intern, as well as a student at a university in North Carolina.