Mother’s Twin Babies Die When Pharmacist Mistakenly Gives Her Abortion Pill

State   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Oct 3, 2023   |   12:18PM   |   Las Vegas, Nevada

In a heart-wrenching story out of Nevada, a Las Vegas woman is in mourning after her twin unborn babies died when a pharmacist at CVS mistakenly gave her a drug that causes abortions.

Timika Thomas and her husband are the proud parents of four children and, in 2019 decided they wanted one more. But Thomas dealt with a host of fertility issues and ectopic pregnancies.

After deciding to try IVF, Thomas had reached a point where the injections in her butt were making her body sore. So her doctor prescribed her a vaginal suppository.

Thomas headed to an area CVS drug store to fill the prescription and that’s when the horror occurred.

Thomas took the pills prescribed to her without thinking anything would be wrong.  But she started having horrible cramping. As a local news report states:

“My cramping went beyond that,” she said. “It was extreme. It was painful.”

That’s when she learned the CVS pharmacist erroneously prescribed her misoprostol. Also known as Cytotec, that’s an ulcer drug – but it is part of the two-drug abortion pill process as it is misused to expel the body of the dead baby after the abortion pill mifepristone starves the unborn child to death. CVS has indicated it will sell the mifepristone abortion pill to kill unborn children, but misoprostol is already available because it’s traditionally an anti-ulcer medicine even though it also has the side effect of causing a miscarriage (which its why its makers warn pregnant women to not use it).

When Thomas took the misoprostol pills, they did their deadly job. But she had no idea until she did an Internet search.

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“The first thing I read is it’s used for abortions,” Thomas said.

Documents obtained by the 8 News Now Investigators outline how two technicians and two pharmacists made a series of errors that led to Thomas being given the wrong medication, which essentially terminated her budding pregnancy on the spot.

“They just killed my baby,” she said to herself at the time. “Both my babies, because I transferred two embryos.”

Among the series of mistakes, those documents say one technician – incorrectly believing she knew the generic name for the brand prescribed by the doctor – entered the wrong name into the prescription. One pharmacist did not catch the error, and another pharmacist failed to counsel Thomas when she came to pick up her medication.

CVS has since been fined $10,000 for the mistake and the pharmacists held accountable.

Thomas lodged a complaint with the Nevada State Board of Pharmacy, which met in September. After she gave heartbreaking testimony about her horrifying experience, the two pharmacists were fined and had their licenses suspended provisionally. If both pharmacists avoid disciplinary action over the next 12 months, pay fines and take continuing education credits, their licenses will be reinstated, according to pharmacy board documents.

For Thomas the apology she received for the deaths of her twin babies wasn’t sufficient.

“All I got was a sorry,” she said. “It will never be good enough.”