Doctor Booked Woman for Abortion Without Her Permission Even After She Refused It

International   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Oct 5, 2023   |   4:38PM   |   London, England

A doctor in the UK reportedly booked a woman for a surgical abortion without her permission just because the baby was disabled.

Soozy Jenner says that after she consulted with a doctor about her baby, who she had named Grace, she learned that Grace unfortunately was diagnosed by a doctor at Medical Specialist Group (MSG) in Guernsey with anencephaly and would either die at birth or not live too long afterwards.

Apparently her physician recommended an abortion – even after she refused it.

Jenner said she felt the attitude of the MSG clinicians changed after she told her doctor she would not have an abortion.

“I was completely shocked,” she said.

“I couldn’t believe someone would think it would be all right to have a termination because his view was that baby isn’t going to live and he automatically assumed I would take a termination.

“I refused it and after that nobody got in touch with me. I had to seek out that second opinion.”

The hospital says that never happened and maintains that a woman would never be scheduled for an abortion without her consent.

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Jenner ultimately carried her baby to term and unfortunately Grace died at birth. She tells local media that she was denied an MRI to confirm the diagnoses because she rejected the abortion.

“The way I was treated was lacking in any bedside manner,” said Mrs Jenner.

“Ultimately, I wasn’t given an MRI as I’d chosen to go against their wishes.”