Abortion Bans are Saving Babies, Not Putting Women in Prison

State   |   Nebraska Right to Life   |   Oct 9, 2023   |   5:34PM   |   Lincoln, Nebraska

“Free and Just,” a Washington D.C. based abortion-rights advocacy group, has been waging a misinformation campaign in Nebraska using billboards and flying banners.

In August the organization purchased five billboards in the Omaha area that read: “Women are going to jail under Nebraska’s abortion ban.” Nebraska Right to Life sprung into action and rallied its supporters to contact the billboard company, explaining why the information was erroneous and deliberately misleading.

As a result, the company refused to renew the billboard contract. So “Free and Just” took to the skies. During the September 30 Nebraska Husker football game, fans were subjected to the same message (preceded by the words: “Extremist groups don’t want you to know”) on a banner that circulated above Memorial Stadium.

On its website, “Free and Just” explains that its efforts are in response to the sentencing of a Norfolk, Nebraska teen who used abortion pills to end her pregnancy. The truth is, the teenager was sent to jail for 90 days, not for having an abortion, but for failing to report the death of her 29-week gestational baby, improperly disposing of the body, and lying to authorities.

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In a letter dated May 22, 2022, as it appears on National Right to Life Committee website, and signed by America’s leading pro-life organizations, including Nebraska Right to Life, it states:

“Women are victims of abortion and require our compassion and support as well as ready access to counseling and social services in the days, weeks, months and years following an abortion. As national and state pro-life organizations, representing tens of millions of pro-life men, women and children across the country, let us be clear. We state unequivocally that we do not support any measure seeking to criminalize or punish women and we stand firmly opposed to include such penalties in legislation.”

“There is no law or legislation in Nebraska that jails a woman for having an abortion,” said Sandy Danek, Nebraska Right to Life executive director. “In fact, our most recent abortion-related law passed earlier this year, which protects babies in the womb at 12 weeks gestational age, includes the words: ‘no woman upon whom an abortion is attempted, induced, or performed shall be liable” for the abortion.’”

“Nebraska Right to Life will continue to work toward our goal that all mothers and their babies are supported, protected and cherished,” added Danek.