Pro-Life Congressman Mike Johnson Becomes New Republican Speaker Nominee

National   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Oct 25, 2023   |   7:30AM   |   Washington, DC

After an incredibly tumultuous day in the House of Representatives, pro-life Congressman Mike Johnson has become the new Republican nomine for Speaker of the House.

Initially, Pro-Life Congressman Tom Emmer had emerged as the new Speaker nominee after 5 rounds of secret ballots. Emmer is the House Majority Whip who was serving under both Speaker Kevin McCarthy, who was voted out of the position and House Majority Leader Steve Scalise, who could not obtain enough votes to replace McCarthy.

Congressman Jim Jordan was also unable to secure enough votes so Republicans held a secret ballot  with 8 total candidates for Speaker and Emmer came out on top. But whether Emmer did not have the ability to unite the Republican conference and win the votes necessary on the House floor since he is perceived as more moderate than other Republicans.

Emmer came under fire from conservatives and former President Donald Trump.

Trump took to Truth Social after the nomination, calling Emmer a Republican-In-Name-Only (RINO) and criticizing the majority whip for not supporting him.

“I have many wonderful friends wanting to be Speaker of the House, and some are truly great Warriors. RINO Tom Emmer, who I do not know well, is not one of them. He never respected the Power of a Trump Endorsement, or the breadth and scope of MAGA—MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!,” Trump wrote. “He fought me all the way, and actually spent more time defending Ilhan Omar, than he did me—He is totally out-of-touch with Republican Voters. I believe he has now learned his lesson, because he is saying that he is Pro-Trump all the way, but who can ever be sure? Has he only changed because that’s what it takes to win?”

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“The Republican Party cannot take that chance, because that’s not where the America First Voters are. Voting for a Globalist RINO like Tom Emmer would be a tragic mistake!” Trump continued.

That let to Emmer walking away from the nomination — thus requiring a new round of voting for a new Speaker nominee.

Republican Rep. Mike Johnson, a pro-life advocate from Louisiana who placed second to Emmer, won the vote, becoming the 4th Speaker nominee in recent weeks. Here’s more:

Johnson emerged triumphant on the third round of voting, earning 128 votes, according to Punchbowl News’s Jake Sherman. He beat out Reps. Byron Donalds, Fla.; Mark Green, Tenn.; Roger Williams, Texas; and Chuck Fleischmann, Tenn. Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik congratulated Johnson on his victory after the vote.

“Congratulations Speaker-designate [Mike Johnson]!” she wrote on X.

Florida Republican Rep. Anna Paulina Luna, who backed Donalds, stated after the vote that Donalds was supporting Johnson and that the speaker vote would occur at noon on Wednesday.

“Johnson got it! Byron is fully backing him. Speaker vote tomorrow at noon!” she posted.

Johnson currently serves as the conference vice chair under Stefanik.

Johnson has a solid pro-life record in Congress — voting pro-life 100% of the time. During his time in the Louisiana legislature he sponsored the bill to ban partial-birth abortions.

The pro-life group SBA Pro-Life offers this pro-life of him:

Congressman Johnson has stood up against the pro-abortion agenda of the Biden-Harris administration and Pelosi Democrats who are actively working to expand abortion access and abortion funding. Rep. Johnson has voted consistently to defend the lives of the unborn and infants. This includes stopping hard-earned tax dollars from paying for abortion, whether domestically or internationally, and protecting health care provider rights for those who refuse to engage in brutal abortions.

Congressman Johnson introduced H.R. 2223, the Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act (CIANA), to protect minors from being transported across state lines to obtain an abortion without parental involvement. He also co-led a letter urging the Small Business Administration to exclude abortion providers from subsidies in the form of forgivable loans during the pandemic. Rep. Johnson offered a unanimous consent request for consideration of H.R. 18, the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act, which would make the Hyde Amendment permanent. Rep. Johnson offered an amendment in a Judiciary Committee markup to make permanent a ban on taxpayer funding of abortion. He spoke in defense of life and condemned abortion extremism during a House Judiciary Committee hearing on the Texas Heartbeat Act. Additionally, Rep. Johnson led a pro-life special-order hour exposing the so-called Women’s Health Protection Act, which would overturn federal and state pro-life laws. He led a letter to the House Chief Administrative Officer urging termination of a contract with a banking institution that announced it would now provide abortion-related travel benefits, and co-led a Congressional letter to Attorney General Garland demanding the newly formed Domestic Terrorism Unit at the Department of Justice to investigate targeted violence against pro-life groups and pregnancy centers.

Rep. Johnson introduced H.Res. 1233, a resolution condemning the violent and intimidating tactics of radical pro-abortion activists against pro-life facilities, groups, and churches. He offered a pro-life procedural motion to protect minors from being taken across state lines for abortions without parental consent and introduced H.R. 8362, the Unborn Child Support Act. He participated in a pro-life special order on the House floor for the 49th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, and gave remarks at a Judiciary Committee hearing on the impact of the Supreme Court’s ruling in Dobbs v. JWHO which overturned Roe v. Wade. The Supreme Court’s ruling in Dobbs gave the authority to enact limits on abortion to both state and federal lawmakers. Rep. Johnson is among a select group of courageous Members of Congress who quickly accepted their responsibility to protect unborn children nationally by cosponsoring the Protecting Pain-Capable Unborn Children from Late-Term Abortions Act in the fall of 2022.