Pro-Life Groups Praise New Pro-Life Speaker Mike Johnson

National   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Oct 25, 2023   |   4:20PM   |   Washington, DC

Leading pro-life groups have unanimously come together in praise of new pro-life Speaker Mike Johnson.

As LifeNews reported, Johnson (R-La.) was elected Speaker of the House of Representatives.

“National Right to Life congratulates Speaker Mike Johnson,” stated Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life. “Speaker Johnson is committed to the right to life, and he will make the right to life and protecting women and their unborn children a priority in Congress.”

Speaker Johnson represents Louisiana’s 4th district. He is a constitutional law attorney widely recognized as a leading defender of the right to life. He has served as vice chair of the House Republican Conference and, as an active champion of pro-life issues, Congressman Johnson has co-sponsored multiple pieces of pro-life legislation and is the lead sponsor of the Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act.

“We congratulate Speaker Mike Johnson,” said Ben Clapper, executive director of Louisiana Right to Life. “Speaker Johnson has been a strong ally of the pro-life movement and Louisiana Right to Life. Speaker Johnson will be a proudly pro-life Speaker of the House who will protect babies and help moms.”

Louisiana Right to Life, one of the pro-life organizations that knows Speaker Johnson the best, says he’s solidly pro-life.


“We are THRILLED that our friend, Congressman Mike Johnson, has been elected the U.S. Speaker of the House! Without a doubt, Speaker Johnson is a strong ally and friend of Louisiana Right to Life, and has served the pro-life mission for decades,” Ben Clapper, head of the state pro-life group, told LifeNews.

Together with his wife Kelly, Mike has led many pro-life efforts with us, including our Life March in Shreveport that garners thousands of participants each year. Prior to becoming a State Representative, he served as our Legal Counsel.

When I first met Mike many years ago, I could immediately sense his heartfelt dedication for protecting babies and helping moms. He cared deeply about the Shreveport area, especially the high number of abortions occurring in the area. He regularly helped many efforts in Shreveport that serve moms and babies, including pregnancy resource centers.

From working with him for many years, I know that Mike is a man of integrity with a deep faith. We believe God has placed Mike in this position to accomplish great things for our nation.

I expressed recently to Mike how the entire pro-life movement is supporting him and praying for him. Thank you for your prayers!

And Frank Pavone of Priests for Life also spoke out in celebration of Johnson’s election as Speaker.

“Great news in the election of Rep. Mike Johnson as our new Speaker of the House. It is great news for America and great news for the pro-life movement. He has been a great friend of Priests for Life and of the unborn for many years and we look forward to his leadership,” he said.