Speaker Mike Johnson Was an Attorney for a Pro-Life Group, Has a “Rock Solid Record on Life”

National   |   Joshua Mercer   |   Oct 26, 2023   |   8:36AM   |   Washington, DC

The House of Representatives has elected Rep. Mike Johnson, R-LA, as its 56th Speaker. Johnson won unanimous support from all present 220 Republicans.

“The people’s House is back in business,” said the new speaker before his swearing in.

“It is the honor of a lifetime to have been elected,” he wrote on X (formerly known as Twitter) shortly after his election Wednesday afternoon.

“It has been an arduous few weeks, and a reminder that the House is as complicated and diverse as the people we represent,” he continued. “The urgency of this moment demands bold, decisive action to restore trust, advance our legislative priorities, and demonstrate good governance.”

“Our House Republican Conference is united, and eager to work,” he added:

As Speaker, I will ensure the House delivers results and inspires change for the American people. We will restore trust in this body. We will advance a comprehensive conservative policy agenda, combat the harmful policies of the Biden Administration, and support our allies abroad. And we will restore sanity to a government desperately in need of it. Let’s get back to work.

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CatholicVote previously reported that “Johnson won the nomination after three rounds of voting on Tuesday evening.”

“His nomination came just hours after Majority Whip Tom Emmer withdrew his candidacy when 26 Republicans announced they would not support him on the House floor,” CatholicVote continued.

Johnson is an evangelical Christian known for his socially conservative views. He strongly supports protecting unborn children from abortion and rejects same-sex “marriage.”

He is a former attorney with the pro-life and pro-religious freedom legal group Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF).

In addition, he is a former chair of the conservative Republican Study Committee (RSC) and currently serves as the Vice Chair of the House Republican Conference.

According to Axios, among the recent Republican speaker candidates, Johnson “has seen the greatest share of his sponsored bills become law.”

In a letter he penned to his fellow House members this past weekend, Johnson vowed that if selected as speaker he would “restore trust” in Congress, “advance a comprehensive policy agenda,” promote and engage members, “effectively message,” build coalitions “in the conservative ecosphere,” and “develop and grow” the small House Republican majority.

Johnson’s heavily Republican district is based in the northwestern portion of Louisiana and includes the city of Shreveport. In addition to his career as a lawmaker and an attorney, he has also hosted a talk radio show.

Hours prior to Johnson’s election, CatholicVote Vice President Joshua Mercer praised the congressman’s record on issues important to American Catholics.

Mercer noted that the now-speaker “has been deeply involved in holding the FBI accountable for investigating on Catholics” and “has a rock-solid record on life and marriage.”

“Catholics will have a friend if Mike Johnson is elected Speaker,” Mercer said.