Well, here we go! Election Day is next week. Across Virginia abortion promoters and businesses, along with candidates in the 2023 elections, are beating the drum of fearmongering and lies about pro-life candidates.
This month Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion business, and other abortion promoters hit the airwaves and online with ads designed to create anxiety among female voters. Ads that deliberately mislead the public about what pro-life Republicans are hoping to accomplish on this critical issue if they gain control of both chambers of the General Assembly.
These ads are an example of how radical Democrat candidates are and solidly pro-abortion. They demonstrate just how easy it is for them to lie to the voters of Virginia. It also proves how out of step they are with what Virginians are worried about right now. Go to some Democrat candidates’ websites and you’d think that the only thing they have to offer the voters is their unrelenting commitment to make abortion legal for any reason throughout pregnancy up to birth, and you’d be right! That’s extremism and that is the goal of these Democrats and their allies in the abortion industry!
The problem for them is that nobody running as a pro-lifer this year is calling for a ban on abortion in Virginia. Instead, they are backing the Governor’s bill to prevent abortions after unborn babies can feel pain in the womb at 15 weeks. The same bill that is already law is 18 other states.
They are seeking to pass other rational bills that will provide great assistance and information to women before they get an abortion, information that can help them make better life affirming decisions for themselves and their babies. Pro-life candidates also want to pass a law that provides medical care to babies who do survive a late term abortion.
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Nobody wants to criminalize women who seek an abortion and there is no desire to obstruct legitimate women’s health care that may save her life! The pro-abortion organizations backing pro-abortion candidates will clearly say anything to create hysteria, where none is warranted, but telling the truth doesn’t push their radical agenda forward!
The voters of Virginia need to reject this nonsense. Yes, abortion is a sensitive issue. It does change lives and must not be treated as a political game. The women of Virginia deserve more respect than abortion promoters clearly have for them. What they are really worried about is losing money and no longer getting legal cover for their shady businesses from their friends in the General Assembly.
Virginians have a chance to send a message to all of America. Abortion may be the only thing that these Democrats think matter to the women voters of the Commonwealth, but we can prove them wrong. Don’t be fooled by manipulation and lies.
Early voting is going on until November 4th and Election Day is next Tuesday, November 7th. Don’t let any of your friends stay home. Their vote does matter. The babies and their moms are depending on us!
LifeNews Note: Olivia Gans Turner is the president of Virginia Society for Human Life