Virginia Democrats Push Bill for Abortions Up to Birth

State   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Dec 6, 2023   |   9:45AM   |   Richmond, Virginia

Democrats in the General Assembly are pushing a bill that would create a constitutional right to kill babies in abortions up to birth.

Virginia Pro-abortion Democrats have begun the push to make abortion up to birth legal with no protections or regulations. Senator Jennifer Boysko, D38, and Del. Charniele Herring, D-4, introduced a “Right to Abortion” amendment in both chambers of the Virginia legislature that would prevent any rational bills to protect unborn children or their mothers from an unregulated abortion industry in the Commonwealth.

The amendments, HJ 1 and SJ1, which Democrats promised to introduce during the recent elections, are deceptively labeled as an effort to protect “fundamental reproductive freedom.”

Currently, Virginia allows aboritons up to the third trimester, when a law kick in limitjng abortions to saving the life of the mother.


Here’s more:

Democrats, who pursued the same amendment last year, have said the measure is intended to preserve the state’s existing abortion law.

“It’s especially critical right now without federal protections in place,” said Jamie Lockhart, the director of Planned Parenthood Advocates of Virginia.

Republicans argue the amendment would actually have the effect of removing all limits on abortion.

Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s PAC accused Democrats, many of whom campaigned on maintaining the status quo, of reneging on a core campaign promise.

Lawmakers will debate the measure when they convene January 10 and pro-life groups will be lobbying hard to stop the radical measure. Should the measure pass the legislature, it would have to pass again in the next legislative session and then go before voters on a statewide ballot.

The amendment would kill al pro-life laws in the state that offer even a modest protection for unborn babies. In Virginia, this would mean the removal of the parental consent law and partial-birth infanticide law as well as ultimately requiring Virginia taxpayers to fund all abortions under Medicaid programs.

Perhaps the most shocking of all will be that unlimited abortion would become legal through all nine months-up until birth as it has in New York, Vermont, and California and other states.

“It is obvious that the new Democrat majority in Richmond has no regard for the unborn children who will be killed because of this amendment. This amendment would interpret any common-sense protective regulation, including safety rules about who may perform an abortion, as burdensome,” said Olivia Gans Turner, VSHL president.

“So, we must ask ourselves, are the Democrats more concerned about protecting the abortion business in Virginia that supported their campaigns, or the women and girls who may seek abortions here?” said Turner. “They certainly don’t intend to protect their babies.”