Ohio Supreme Court Decision Means Babies Will be Killed in Abortions Up to Birth

State   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Dec 18, 2023   |   12:46PM   |   Washington, DC

On Friday, the Ohio Supreme Court rejected a request from the state’s attorney general to enforce the heartbeat law could protect babies with beating hearts. Now, due to Issue 1, babies will be killed in abortions up to birth in the Buckeye State with practically no limits.

Attorney General Dave Yost sought permission to enforce the six-week abortion ban the state legislature had approved. But with Issue 1 passing on the ballot in November, abortion will now be a right in the state that can’t be infringed – making it so nothing stops killing babies up to birth.

The Ohio Supreme Court last week rejected his appeal, citing “a change in the law.” That is a reference to Issue 1, which makes killing babies in abortions a state constitutional right.

Adding insult to injury, pro-abortion groups and abortion businesses in the state are now asking the state’s high court to permanently block the heartbeat law.

Radical abortion activists spent almost $67 million buying the vote in Ohio.

The incredible level of spending, with significant amounts of dark money coming into Ohio from out of state and out of the country, raises questions about whether the Issue 1 vote accurately depicts the will of Ohio voters or merely reflects an inordinate amount of leftist spending to buy votes.

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“In Ohio, pro-abortion forces spent a staggering $66.7 million, outspending pro-life forces by a 2:1 margin to fuel a campaign centered on lies and deception to muscle through a constitutional amendment designed to allow unlimited, unregulated abortion,” Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, said.

AP indicated that “the largest donations” supporting the pro-abortion “yes” campaign came from outside of Ohio. This included “three gifts totaling $5.3 million from the progressive Sixteen Thirty Fund, based in Washington, D.C.” The Sixteen Thirty Fund is largely bankrolled by Hansjörg Wyss, a Swiss billionaire.

Not only did abortion proponents outspend pro-life advocates, but they flooded the television airwaves and the Internet with false ads that erroneously claimed women would die without Issue 1 or would be denied health care or treatment for miscarriage or ectopic pregnancies. The truth is every single state with an abortion ban fully allows all medical care for pregnant women, including treatment for miscarriage and ectopic pregnancies.

Dannenfelser explained, “The staggering sum spent by pro-abortion forces and the tens of millions of ‘in-kind’ contributions made by the media overwhelmed the ability of the pro-life movement and Governor DeWine to communicate the facts to the voters. In the closing weeks, pro-abortion forces outspent pro-life forces $19 million to $7.7 million on television, nearly a 3:1 advantage.”

Dannenfelser wrote that pro-choice groups misleadingly framed Ohio Issue 1 as a situation where “women would be left to die” despite “clear language in Ohio’s law allowing for life-saving care.”

“Further, the ballot language deceived voters into thinking the amendment allows for limits on abortion after the point of viability,” Dannenfelser wrote. “In reality, the vague ‘health’ exception in its language is a major loophole that allows for late-term abortion without limit and allows the abortionist to determine viability.”

Dannenfelser complained that the media pumped up the false claims the ads made – doing no factchecking of the ads but making more false claims about the fact that Issue 1 would allow abortions up to birth.

The pro-life leader said pro-life Americans have to start working now in states like Missouri and Florida where more pro-abortion amendments are expected.

Exit polling from the Issue 1 vote shows that the reason Ohio voters supported Issue 1 is not because they support abortion. According to the results, many Yes voters approved the ballot measure only because they support very limited or narrow exceptions allowing abortions but oppose abortion as birth control, which means they oppose 98% of abortions.