Whoopi Goldberg Says Republicans are “Torturing Women” by Protecting Babies From Abortions

National   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Jan 3, 2024   |   4:51PM   |   Washington, DC

Whoopi Goldberg is no stranger to spewing crazy conspiracy theories about abortion on The View and today was no exception.

He radical leftist’s latest absurd claim is that Republicans are somehow “torturing women” by protecting babies from abortions. Obviously no women are being tortured by pro-life laws but here’s Goldberg’s absurd take…

“So, they’re OK with forced childbirth even if it kills someone, because they’re so pro-life,” Goldberg said.

Naturally, the leftist provide no examples of anyone being forced to give birth nor anyone who was killed because they were forced to give birth because no such examples actually exist. And she ignores the fact that no women have died in any of the states that have abortion bans protecting babies.

“For me, it feels like this is just a power play. You want to make sure that you have control over somebody’s body, whether it kills them or not, and you don’t care whether it kills them. You don’t care that you are tearing this woman up. She didn’t want to have an abortion. She wanted a baby. The baby is not viable. She doesn’t want to go through this and yet you are sitting there allowing this torture to happen,” Goldberg continued.

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The liberal commentator it apparently referring to the case of Kate Cox, a Texas woman pregnant with a baby with trisomy 18. But Goldberg warps and twists the facts of the case.

Cox wanted an abortion just because the baby has a sever disability and will have a shorter lifespan than healthy people. Cox wanted an abortion in Texas, but the state protects babies from being killed just because they are disabled. The baby is totally viable and 90% of babies with the condition are successfully treated and can live productive lives.

Goldberg essentially indicates that giving birth is torture, which is an absurd statement since millions of women give birth every year and they, of course, are not tortured.

But without such absurd claims, it’s impossible for people like Goldberg to defend killing babies in abortions.