Pro-Life Lenten Prayer Campaign Prays for Women Considering Abortions

National   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Feb 13, 2024   |   2:07PM   |   Washington, DC

The Pro-Life Action League is highlighting a shocking new finding in its annual Lenten Prayer Challenge: the fact that a majority of women getting abortions say that abortion isn’t really what they want. New peer-reviewed research finds that more than two-thirds of survey respondents said their abortions were contrary to their moral values and preferences, “unwanted,” or even coerced. As part of a major new focus on this epidemic of unwanted abortions, the League is calling for special prayers during this holy time of year for Christians.

“Ever since Roe v. Wade was overturned, we’ve been subjected to an endless stream of propaganda claiming that abortion has improved the lives of American women,” said Eric J. Scheidler, the League’s executive director. “But the reality is very different: more often than not, women are being pushed into abortions they don’t want. That’s why we’re focusing our prayers on these women this year.”

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Scheidler is calling on pro-life Christians across the country to pray each day and fast from one meal each week during Lent for the following intentions:

  1. That every woman facing an unwanted abortion will find the strength to say what she really wants, and the help and encouragement she needs to resist the pressure to get an abortion.
  2. That the people close to that woman will listen to her with open hearts, and encourage her as she chooses life for her baby.
  3. That our society will acknowledge will acknowledge this epidemic and work together to prevent unwanted and coerced abortions and the misery they cause.

“Pro-lifers know that every abortion is a tragedy,” Scheidler remarked. “But even people who call themselves pro-choice don’t want to see women pressured into getting abortions they don’t want. The 2024 Lenten Prayer Challenge is shining a light on this newly uncovered epidemic, and asking God to turn our hearts toward these women whose voices are so often silenced.”

Pro-lifers can learn more about the Prayer Challenge and pledge their prayers at