Colorado Measure Would Protect Babies From Abortions Starting at Conception

State   |   Faye Barnhart   |   Feb 14, 2024   |   6:47PM   |   Denver, Colorado

Volunteers across the state of Colorado are collecting signatures until March 31st to get the first Life Initiative onto the Colorado ballot since the overturn of Roe this year. The “Protections of Children” initiative protects all living children in Colorado from intentional mutilation and death beginning at conception until adulthood.

When asked why women are not mentioned specifically in the initiative, Co-Proponent Faye Barnhart explains, “when you protect children you are also protecting mothers from the exploitation, coercion, and unnecessary trauma of losing children to the abortion industry which continues if we allow abortion to continue. More than 81% of mothers who participate in the elective loss of a child experience psychological issues following including rage, depression, anxiety, suicidal tendencies, and drug and alcohol dependence. There are more than forty-four no-cost pregnancy help centers, modern adoption agencies, churches, and other non-profits available to help mothers and children thrive without resorting to the violence of poisoning or dismembering children and stretching mothers unnaturally or putting a mother into preterm labor to deliver a dead son or daughter. Childbirth and C-section are much safer for mother and always safer for the child to have a chance to live.”

Once passed, this life initiative will override current extreme abortion laws in Colorado that permit the torture of children to death during all nine months of pregnancy. It will proactively protect newborns from intentional death, as well as extend protections for children from intentional mutilation all the way until adulthood.

Angela Eicher, a devout Catholic and Co-Proponent of the Initiative urges fellow Christians to “fast and pray to break child sacrifice off our state.” Eicher affirms that “Christ loves little children, and we are commanded to love our neighbor. When we love our neighbor, we put fair laws in place to protect our neighbor, warning mothers from the temptation to sin for the sake of her mortal life and eternal soul.”

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Co-Proponents have spent more than two years seeking the advice of a US Supreme Court attorney, Colorado attorneys, medical doctors and many others. The initiative is written to educate Colorado voters, close abortion facilities, stop abortion pills in the state, and instruct doctors to attempt to save lives rather than intentionally destroy lives.

Volunteers and churches promoting the initiative are praying and working to “build a wall of protection across the state” to protect children and their mothers through prayer, education, and mobilization to vote for life.

“Protecting innocent children is very basic,” states Barnhart. “It is only fair that we should apply the same rights and freedoms we enjoy to our Posterity, meaning our children and those who come after us. Every child deserves a birthday. A child’s right to live is protected by the same Constitution that protects our right to live. Without that right, no other rights follow.”

Each year that a life initiative has been put forward in the state, more Coloradans have voted for life. Closing the gap of percentages remaining to pass a life initiative: 2008 46%, 2010 41%, 2014 30%, 2020 18%.

“By gathering signatures and getting this life initiative onto the ballot, we have these conversations,” states Barnhart. “Children will be saved and mothers will be spared the pain of lifelong regrets.”

Anti-life lobbyists are paying circulators to put onto the Colorado ballot an opposing initiative that says abortion is a “right”. The opposing initiative would change the state Constitution to make it a law that taxpayer monies would pay to destroy children, even if citizens morally object to the practice of harming children.

“We have this brief and urgent window of opportunity,” states Barnhart, “where those of us who care about children can speak up to protect them. We have a very clear opportunity to choose life over death.”

The grassroots movement is engaged in a “Valentine’s Walk for Life” February 10th through 17th where volunteers are going door-to-door in neighborhoods asking for signatures. For those who have never circulated a petition before, volunteers encourage newcomers to take a “40 Signatures in 40 Days Challenge” where volunteers can set a goal to get one signature every day for forty days. There are also events in Colorado Springs, Douglas County, and Larimer county in February where Co-Proponents will be presenting and answering questions about the initiative.

The full text of the initiative and instructions for gathering signatures on the Official Paper Petition for in-person signatures may be found on the website: