The Latest Black Conservative That Leftists Despise: Mark Robinson

Opinion   |   Jeff Davidson   |   Mar 11, 2024   |   6:30AM   |   Washington, DC

The Left is so predictable that I can tell you with complete accuracy how they will respond to a Black conservative’s candidate. On cue, without missing a beat, the day after Mark Robinson won the Republican primary for governor in North Carolina, the vicious press, putting in overtime, went to work.

Nine of 10 articles that you would encounter on Mark Robinson were complete hit jobs, taking his words and phrases out of context. The same was true on the internet. Google, among the most evil companies that has ever appeared on Earth, with their oh-so-mysterious algorithms, made sure that nothing good was said in links about Mark Robinson until about the 12th listing. Then, Google followed with links to more hit pieces.

We All Know Precisely Why

Why does the Left so thoroughly despise Black conservatives? Why does the Left disparage them at every turn, such as Larry Elder, Candace Owens, Lt. Col. Allen West, and Senator Tim Scott? Because the mere existence of a Black conservative upsets everything that the Left stands for, such as keeping Blacks “in their place,” ensuring they dare not leave the liberal plantation, and hoping that they don’t have an original political thought.

Traditionally, Democrats retained many Black voters at the national, state, and local level through campaign promises, while never consistently delivering on them. And now, as we approach November 2024, they are losing their grip. Survey after survey reveals that Donald Trump is gaining major ground among Black voters, other minorities, young people, and suburban women.

Mark Robinson, if you are not aware, is currently North Carolina’s lieutenant governor. He is someone who made himself a success, despite coming from a background of extreme hardship. He was born in Greensboro, North Carolina, the 9th of 10 children. His upbringing, amidst alcoholism and domestic violence, was nowhere near what you would want for a growing child.

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On the Rise

Robinson’s mother imbued in her children a sense of responsibility, and let them know in actions and words that perseverance, hard work, and devotion to God would be their best ticket to a rewarding life. Robinson absorbed the message at an early age.

Among the many stops in his personal journey, he served as a medical specialist in the Army reserves. He also worked in manufacturing, and then ran a small business with his wife. When the North American Free Trade Act (NAFTA) was passed his small business and career endeavors dissolved.

At one point, nearly 20 years ago, he had to declare bankruptcy. Despite his financial hardships he soldiered on. Eventually, he became North Carolina’s first Black lieutenant governor. As such, he has traveled extensively throughout the state, talking to people of every race, profession, trade, income level, education level, and inclination.

His Time is Now

Robinson knows the people of North Carolina perhaps as well as anyone could. Once he decided to run for governor, a wellspring of voters emerged eager to see him succeed, because they know the man. Married for 30+ years, with two children and two grandchildren, Robinson has vowed to be the education governor and the business enterprise governor that North Carolina wants and needs.

In the coming weeks and months, much of what you read about Robinson in the mainstream press will ignore his accomplishments, his vision, and the fundamental reasons that so many North Carolinians of all races want him to be the next governor.

The press will nitpick about statements he made years and decades ago. They’ll claim he’s an anti-Semite. They’ll say he is ‘against his own people.’ They will attempt to demonize him. Don’t fall for any of it.

Making His Mark

Robinson spoke at CPAC 2024 and, while he only had 12 minutes, he brought down the house. At another gathering, he spoke for less than 90 seconds about why reparations are a bad idea. He laid out in the most logical manner why people today who claim they deserve reparations are the ones who owe others, mainly the Black pioneers who came before them. It is a brilliant piece of rhetoric that everyone, everywhere should hear.

Mark Robinson is the candidate whose time is now. He will win the governorship of North Carolina, be an excellent governor, and have a greater political future ahead of him. Donald Trump strongly endorsed him and one can foresee a time in which Robinson will have important business to do in Washington, DC.