Dutch Doctors Oppose Killing Elderly People in Euthanasia Just Because They’re Old

International   |   Alex Schadenberg   |   Mar 25, 2024   |   10:04AM   |   Amsterdam, Netherlands

On March 17, the NL Times reported that the Royal Dutch Medical Association maintained their opposition to euthanasia for “completed life.”

The NL Times report stated:

Doctors are still opposing a proposal to make euthanasia possible for elderly people who feel their life is fulfilled. The Royal Dutch Medical Association (KNMG) says there are still too many risks for people in a vulnerable position.

Democrats 66 [a political party] submitted an amended “completed life” bill in November. The bill states that people 75 years of age and older can decide to end their life when they feel they no longer wish to continue living. With the assistance of a new professional, the end-of-life counselor, they would be able to do so.

There are usually complex problems behind suicidal ideation in elderly people, KNMG warns. They mention problems like loneliness, depression, social isolation, financial problems, or a weak socioeconomic position.

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The doctors’ federation says more attention should be given to these issues. “The facilitating of suicide for the elderly in a vulnerable position is not a responsible or desirable way.”

The age limit is also an issue for the KNMG, as it sends a signal “that life for the elderly is worth less than the life of younger people.” KNMG expressed similar criticism about an earlier proposal.

The Democrats 66 [D66] party has been pushing for euthanasia for “completed life” for many years. In last year’s general election D66 fell from 24 seats to 9 seats. With the loss of political influence for the D66, it is unlikely that euthanasia will be extended to “completed life” any time soon.

LifeNews.com Note: Alex Schadenberg is the executive director of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition and you can read his blog here.