On Good Friday, March 29, pro-life advocates across the United States will hold prayer vigils outside of more than 70 abortion facilities. These “Way of the Cross for Victims of Abortion” services, organized by the Pro-Life Action League, will mourn for the tiny victims of the abortion pill mifepristone and other forms of abortion, and offer special prayers for the more than two-thirds of women who say their abortions were unwanted, not consistent with their preferences, or even coerced.
“Women who take the abortion pill experience a series of horrors, from excruciating pain to severe bleeding, and ending with the question of what to do with the tiny embryo or fetus floating in the toilet once the abortion is completed,” said Eric J. Scheidler, executive director of the Pro-Life Action League. “Making this whole ordeal even more miserable is the fact that most of these abortions would never have happened if these women had really had a free choice.”
Scheidler pointed to research from the Charlotte Lozier Institute that finds nearly 70 percent of women, reflecting on their abortions, say they were “accepted but inconsistent with their values and preferences” (43%) or “unwanted or coerced” (24%). “I’m challenging my pro-choice friends,” Scheidler remarked, “to join me in fighting the epidemic of unwanted abortions in our country. And I’m asking those who are Christians to pray with me for that intention.”
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Scheidler also pointed to the many disturbing first-hand accounts of women who have taken the abortion pill, including those cataloged by Live Action under the title, “I Saw My Baby.” “Whatever we think of the decision to take these dangerous abortion pills,” said Scheidler, “our hearts go out to the women who have had the courage to tell their stories as a warning to their sisters. That’s why we’re praying for them.”
Thousands of pro-life Christians are expected to turn out for the Way of the Cross services outside more than 70 abortion facilities in 30 states. For many, these solemn prayer vigils have become a central part of their annual Holy Week religious observance. The League has coordinated this event nationwide since 2014.
To hold a service outside an abortion clinic in your area, we invite you to follow our detailed guide on how to host a Way of the Cross for Victims of abortion.