Kansas House Overrides Gov Laura Kelly’s Vetoes of Two Pro-Life Bills

State   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Apr 29, 2024   |   11:26AM   |   Topeka, Kansas

The Kansas state House has voted to override vetoes from pro-abortion Democrat Governor Laura Kelly.

The lower chamber of the legislature voted to override her veto of two pro-life bills.

One measure promotes adoption by establishing adoption savings accounts, increasing tax credits for adoptive families, eliminating sales tax burden for pregnancy resource centers, and creating tax credits for donors to those organizations. The other bill would protect women from coerced abortions.

The House voted 85-40 on both override votes and now the vote heads to the Senate, where successful override votes are expected.

While abortion advocates often claim that pro-life Americans don’t support adoption, it’s a pro-abortion Democrat governor who made it clear that she doesn’t support adoptive families and children. The Democrat governor used her veto pen to block existing resources giving financial relief to families longing to adopt children and support to organizations that assist moms who want to choose life for their babies.

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But thanks to the legislature, adoptive families will get more support once the vto override is concluded.

Kansans for Life told LifeNews.com it was very disappointed with Kelly’s veto.

“By her heartless veto, Governor Kelly has shown once again that her only allegiance is to the profit-driven abortion industry, and not to vulnerable Kansas women, children, and families. KFL calls on legislators to override the governor’s veto of HB 2465 when they return to Topeka next week,” said Jeanne Gawdun, KFL Director of Government Relations.

“Four times this legislative session, Gov. Coercion Kelly has proved her abortion extremism,” said Jeanne Gawdun, Kansans for Life Director of Government Relations, in an email to LifeNews.

“First, she vetoed protections for women who are coerced into abortions and shot down transparency in state statistics reporting; then she blocked financial relief to families hoping to adopt. Now she wants to remove resources for women facing unexpected pregnancies. It’s clear the only ‘choice’ the Kelly/Toland Administration supports is abortion.”

Kansans for Life urges legislators to stand with Kansas women and families by overriding Gov. Kelly’s extreme, out-of-touch, veto.