Arizona Supreme Court Rejects Planned Parenthood’s Request to Get Rid of Abortion Ban Early

State   |   Steven Ertelt   |   May 14, 2024   |   8:51AM   |   Washington, DC

Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs has signed the bill to repeal Arizona’s abortion ban, making it so babies will continue being aborted in the southwestern state. But that repeal doesn’t go into effect until later in the year.

Desperate to kill babies in abortions, the Planned Parenthood abortion business filed suit to repeal the abortion ban early.

But the Arizona Supreme Court’s decision Monday rejected that request from the abortion giant. The decision denied an attempt by Planned Parenthood to halt judgment affirming the state’s pro-life law, but to allow a delay for Attorney General Kris Mayes to consider an appeal.

In a response filed today, Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys asked the court to finalize its judgment affirming the state’s pro-life law, but the court temporarily paused that process, allowing the attorney general up to 90 days to consider an appeal.

“Life is a human right, and Arizona’s pro-life law respects that fundamental right. Life begins at conception,” Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Jake Warner told LifeNews. “At just six weeks, unborn babies’ hearts begin to beat. At eight weeks, they have fingers and toes. And at 10 weeks, their unique fingerprints begin to form.”

“Arizona’s pro-life law has protected unborn children for over 100 years, and while we are deeply saddened by the legislature’s recent vote to repeal the law, it won’t take effect immediately, as the legislature intentionally decided. And though the court paused its judgment, we will continue working to protect unborn children and promote real support and health care for Arizona families,” he continued.

In a gleeful message, Hobbs celebrated her own signing of the bill.

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“With the stroke of my pen, the 1864 abortion ban is about to OFFICIALLY become a thing of the past,” she wrote on X (Twitter).

However, under the state Constitution, any law repeal doesn’t take effect until 90 days after the legislative session ends, and the end date can vary. For example, if this session ends in late July like last year, the repeal would only become effective in late October or early November.

This week, the Arizona Senate bowed to the pro-abortion mob by approving a measure to repeal the state’s new abortion ban before it ever reached implementation to begin saving babies.

With the ban repealed, babies would lose almost all protection in the state. A 15-week abortion ban would go into place that only allows protecting babies up to that point – meaning 90% of more abortions would become legal.

Two Republicans, T.J. Shope and Shawnna Bolick, sided with Democrats to deliver enough votes to pass House Bill 2677, which would repeal the pro-life law that made Arizona one of 19 states to protect babies from abortion.

Bolick described herself as pro-life but said she supported abortions in some rare circumstances. Instead of backing legislation to allow abortions in those very rare cases, she voted to subject every single unborn children to potentially be killed in an abortion.

State Sen. Jake Hoffman condemned the Republican members who voted in favor of the measure and other Republicans complained the bill was fast-tracked through the legislature instead of committees having time to evaluate the legislation and take public input.

The Arizona Life Coalition was saddened by the developments.

“This repeal signifies more than a legislative shift; it marks a profound loss for those who stand for the sanctity of every innocent human life from conception,” it told LifeNews. “Every abortion is a loss of a priceless human being and a failure to protect the most defenseless among us.”