Huge Kansas Abortion Biz Stops Killing Babies After 10 of 16 Abortionists Resign

State   |   Anne Reed   |   May 24, 2024   |   3:03PM   |   Wichita, Kansas

The infamous late-term abortion mill, Trust Women, in Wichita, Kansas, has halted abortions this week after a series of scandalous events. The high-volume abortion business is no stranger to sordid, illegal activity and the gruesome murder of late-term babies.

Inside sources have reported that the co-executive directors and the medical director were all fired in April. The medical director was reportedly replaced with an unqualified candidate – an emergency medicine doctor of osteopathy who founded a wellness clinic specializing in erectile dysfunction treatment, weight loss, and services such as Botox injections, CoolSculpting, and facial fillers.

As a result, 10 of the clinic’s total 16 abortionists have resigned. Before the clinic’s abrupt, temporary closure this week, it saw a whopping 650-750 patients per month. According to Operation Rescue’s most recent annual survey, the facility charges $750 for surgical and pill abortions.

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“If you do the math, that’s nearly $9 million annually,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “This is a big deal. Closing the doors for just one month would result in a loss of well over half a million dollars.”

In the aftermath of the implosion, inside sources reported that the staff was required to sign new nondisclosure agreements, and those leaking information about the happenings at the facility are doing so anonymously.

In a statement released Thursday by the Board of Directors of Trust Women Foundation, Inc., the organization announced new protocols that require two physicians and a medical director with abortion experience to be present while abortions are performed. Though the press release indicated the new protocols became effective immediately, no reopening date was specified.

The building was originally owned and operated by the infamous late-term abortionist George Tiller. It was later purchased by Julie Burkhart who now owns Wellspring Health Access in Casper, Wyoming, and Hope[less] Clinic in Granite City, Illinois, named the “Worst of the Worst” by Operation Rescue.

“Operation Rescue has investigated this abortion business located in the city of our headquarters for many years, finding evidence of noncompliance with the most basic medical standards. Trust Women’s past noncompliance has led to regular botched abortions and hospitalizations. This scandal has revealed the situation is not improving but getting even worse. This place needs to be shut down once and for all!”

Operation Rescue’s independent investigation into Trust Women is ongoing, calling for enforcement of laws already on the books. The firings of its leadership last month were reportedly due to presumably even more severe noncompliance issues than proven in the past.

Newman added, “With this new information, we have reason to believe laws may have been violated. We are launching a full-scale investigation into the matter, including formal complaints to the appropriate agencies.”