Congress Will Hear Stories of Babies Saved From Abortion

National   |   McKenna Snow   |   Jun 4, 2024   |   6:54PM   |   Washington, DC

Several mothers whose children were saved by the help of crisis pregnancy center support and access to abortion pill reversal help are going to Congress this week to share their testimonies.

According to a May 31 article published by Pregnancy Help News, the mothers attending are participating in the larger “Babies Go to Congress” initiative started in 2009 by pro-life organization Heartbeat International.

The mothers traveling to Congress this week are Elizabeth, Anahi, Kendra, and Kayla.

“One by one these moms will share their stories of how their local pregnancy help organization helped them through a challenging time in their life,” Pregnancy Help News reported:

Some with a pregnancy test, some with housing, some with ultrasound, and some with mentorship programs.

 Each story is different, but highlights the fact that once each woman entered the pregnancy help center, they were given compassionate support, and continued the relationship with the organization.

Elizabeth was in her thirties when she found out she was pregnant, but had little support. She went to Planned Parenthood, and afterward was pressured to have a chemical abortion.

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She took the first chemical abortion pill, but immediately after that, she changed her mind. Using an abortion pill reversal after finding pro-life help, Elizabeth was able to save her pregnancy and her child, Evelyn, who was born in January 2024.

Anahi, another one of the mothers going to Congress, was 19 years old and a student in college working two jobs when she discovered she was pregnant.

“Having suffered abuse in her past, Anahi sought stability for herself and her son,” Pregnancy Help News reported. “A glimmer of hope emerged when a friend introduced Anahi to Thrive maternity home.”

Thrive provided Anahi and her son, Elias, with the ongoing help they needed.

“There she found sanctuary and a stable environment for her son Elias, and she was able to reclaim her education,” according to Pregnancy Help News. “Thrive played a crucial role in breaking the toxic cycle for her and her son, providing hope for a better future.”

The stories of the other mothers going to share their testimonies in Congress can be read here.

Crisis pregnancy centers have been targeted by pro-abortion attorney generals who accuse the centers of promoting “misinformation” about pro-life resources such as abortion pill reversal treatments.

As CatholicVote previously reported, the Charlotte Lozier Institute found that pro-life pregnancy centers provided $358 million in goods and services helping women and their families in 2022.

LifeNews Note: McKenna Snow writes for CatholicVote, where this column originally appeared.