Chuck Schumer Makes June “Abortion Month” to Promote Killing Babies

National   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Jun 12, 2024   |   12:34PM   |   Washington, DC

Radical abortion activist Chuck Schumer the head of Senate Democrat in Congress, has made June a month to celebrate and promote abortion.

Abortion advocates like Schumer like to pretend that they’re pro-choice – but the only choice they ever promote is abortion.

Here is a response from SBA Pro-Life president Marjorie Dannenfelser to Schumer declaring June “Abortion Month.”

It’s crystal clear: abortion extremists like Chuck Schumer will stop at nothing to push their abortion-first agenda in 2024.

Schumer recently declared June “Abortion Month,” rallying his allies to advance their extreme agenda before the 2024 election. They have pushed deceitful bills like the “Right to Contraception Bill” more accurately titled the Payouts for Planned Parenthood Act, which proposed funneling taxpayer dollars to profit-driven abortion organizations like Planned Parenthood. But let’s be clear. Schumer and his cronies’ priority isn’t women’s health; it’s promoting the agenda of the abortion lobby that funds their election campaigns.

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And right now, their biggest goal is passing the “Women’s Health Protection Act,” which would erase every pro-life protection we’ve fought together to secure. They want to enshrine abortion on demand into the U.S. Constitution and fund it all with your tax dollars, Steve.

Schumer’s agenda is unacceptable, and unwanted by the majority of Americans. Together, we must stop these radical efforts to serve women and save babies before it’s too late.

Planned Parenthood, boldly reported 392,715 completed abortions in their last reporting year, and received a staggering $699,300,000 in taxpayer dollars to do it — these are your dollars.