Democrats “Resigned” That Trump Will Likely Win After Assassination Attempt

National   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Jul 16, 2024   |   9:32AM   |   Washington, DC

House Democrats are reportedly internally accepting that former President Donald Trump will serve a second term in the White House, according to a July 14 Axios report.

The sentiment, expressed by a senior House Democrat, was reported shortly after the July 13 assassination attempt against Donald Trump, which injured the former president at a rally in Pennsylvania. The would-be assassin also injured two audience members and killed another.

The senior Democratic congressman indicated that after the shooting, Democrats previously critical of President Joe Biden’s struggling reelection campaign have shifted focus.

Following the tragic attack, it would “be bad form to make any statements against President Biden,” the congressional source said.

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House Democrats were previously focused on the issue of whether Biden should withdraw from the race due to health concerns and his dismal presidential debate performance against Trump in June.

On July 14, Axios reported that another Democrat who was asked about Biden’s reelection candidacy after the assassination attempt said “I don’t think that’s the focus right now.”

Another Democrat who had been vocally critical of Biden’s reelection campaign said that, following the attack, “We’re all just focused on expressing condolences … and keeping our teams safe.”

Another comment from the first House Democratic congressman cited above indicated that House Democrats’ shift of focus is not merely a temporary response to the aftermath of the shooting, but a broader shift in their opinion of the November election outcome.

“We’ve all resigned ourselves to a second Trump presidency,” he said.

LifeNews Note: McKenna Snow writes for CatholicVote, where this column originally appeared.