Kamala Harris is Such a Pro-Abortion Extremist, She’s Worse Than Joe Biden

Opinion   |   Jeanne Mancini   |   Jul 24, 2024   |   9:55AM   |   Washington, DC

On Sunday, President Joe Biden officially dropped out of the 2024 race for President, and endorsed his Vice President, Kamala Harris, for the role of Democratic party nominee.

And while the Biden/Harris administration is the most pro-abortion administration in our country’s history, Kamala Harris has demonstrated an even more aggressive commitment to abortion advocacy as Vice President, in her few years as a U.S. Senator, in her role as Attorney General of California and throughout her entire career.

As Attorney General of California, Kamala Harris not only prioritized abortion access, but also targeted pro-life journalist, David Daleiden, who exposed Planned Parenthood’s common late term abortions and their trafficking of baby body parts. Harris received campaign money from Planned Parenthood, and she adamantly worked against Pregnancy Care Centers, forcing them to post abortion information. In short, Harris strongly supported any legislation that would directly attack life.

As Senator, she co-sponsored the deceptively named “Women’s Health Protection Act,” the most pro-abortion bill ever voted on in the U.S. Senate, which sought to enshrine the right to abortion up until birth for virtually any reason and would overturn critical state pro-life laws.

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She even voted against the “Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act,” which aimed to prohibit painful, late term abortions and she voted against a conscience protecting bill that would prohibit taxpayer dollars from contributing to abortions, despite the fact that both of these bills were popular with mainstream Americans.

Harris egregiously also fought against even the “Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act,” which aimed to protect babies that survived abortions.

As Vice President, she is known most for shining a light on abortion, seizing every opportunity to publicly declare her passion and intent to advance abortion access across the nation. Once in the White House, Harris took another opportunity to once again support the deceptively named “Women’s Health Protection Act,” supporting abortion up until birth.  Recently in December 2023, she proudly launched the first ever abortion rights tour, called the “Reproductive Freedoms Tour,” and actually hosted a press conference at an abortion clinic, all in order to normalize and promote abortion across the country.

Let us be clear. Kamala Harris is FAR more radical than Biden on abortion. Make no mistake, as President, Harris would seek to prioritize and propagate abortion nation-wide.

We need your help to educate fellow Americans on Kamala Harris’ unwavering and aggressive commitment to pushing an extreme abortion agenda!

LifeNews Note: Jeanne Mancini is the president of March for Life.