Biden is Using the KKK Act From 1870 to Put Pro-Life Americans in Prison

National   |   Peter Breen   |   Aug 1, 2024   |   6:52PM   |   Washington, DC

This year, the FACE Act turned 30 years old…

It’s no secret that ever since President Bill Clinton signed into law the FACE Act in 1994, it was intended to target pro-lifers.

But now, Biden’s Department of Justice has finally disclosed the numbers… and they prove exactly what we’ve always known

Under Congressional pressure from Texas Congressman Chip Roy, the Biden DOJ just disclosed numbers showing the radical extent of how the FACE Act has been used by the federal government to come after pro-lifers. According to a report published by the Daily Caller:

  • 97% of FACE Act prosecutions have targeted pro-lifers over the course of the law’s 30-year history
  • Over a quarter of all FACE Act prosecutions have been brought by the Biden DOJ in less than four years
  • From 1994 to 2024, the DOJ prosecuted 205 FACE Act cases against pro-life activists and only six against abortion activists

To give you an idea of how lopsided and uneven the Biden DOJ’s weaponization of the FACE Act really is, consider this…

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From May 2022 to March 2024, there has been at least 90 attacks on pro-life organizations and pregnancy centers.

Moreover, there has been an 800% increase in attacks on churches since 2018, according to Family Research Council.

These are organizations and institutions that, on paper, the FACE Act is supposed to protect.

“It was always about abortion” says Thomas More Society veteran FACE Act litigator, Steve Crampton.

And even more astonishing, the Biden DOJ is now using the “KKK Act”—an 1870 law that was passed to protect the voting rights of freed slaves—in tandem with the FACE Act, to shackle pro-life advocates with a felony conspiracy charge… which adds a whole decade of possible jail time on top of the FACE Act charge.

As you know well, peaceful pro-life advocates like Thomas More Society clients Lauren Handy, Mark Houck, and Paul Vaughn, are living witnesses of how the Biden DOJ has weaponized the FACE Act against pro-lifers—going to any lengths necessary to try to lock them up for more than a decade in federal prison.

Friend, we all know that something is gravely wrong in our country when pro-lifers are thrown in jail for peacefully defending life and protesting the abortion industry—being slapped with sentences more extreme than convicted drug dealers.

That’s why we’re asking you to support our efforts to fight the FACE Act and make sure it can never again be used as a cudgel for Big Abortion and its allies.

Thank you for all that you do to defend the right of pro-life advocates who speak out against the evil of abortion.