Florida Residents Rally Against Amendment 4, Which Would Allow Abortions Up to Birth

State   |   Rachel Quackenbush   |   Aug 12, 2024   |   9:58AM   |   Tallahassee, Florida

Pro-life advocates in Florida are rallying against an abortion initiative on the November ballot which they argue covertly undermines life and parental rights.

Florida Catholic reports that the campaign, spearheaded by the state’s Catholic bishops, has mobilized local parishes and Catholic Charities’ Respect Life Ministry to educate people on Amendment 4 and engage the community in opposition to it.

At a July 16 forum hosted by St. Lucie Parish in Port St. Lucie, attendees from 11 Catholic parishes and three Protestant churches gathered to discuss the pro-abortion Amendment 4. Key concerns include the amendment’s vague language, which could allow non-medical personnel to make critical abortion-related decisions, and its removal of parental consent requirements for minors.

State Senator Erin Grall, a prominent pro-life legislator, criticized the amendment, saying it could weaken existing protections and mislead voters about its true implications.

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“Unlike other ballot measures we vote on, Amendment 4 fails to define key terms like ‘viability,’ ‘healthcare provider’ and ‘patient’s health’,” Grall stated. According to Grall, these vague terms could lead to situations where abortion clinic staff, rather than medical professionals, are making decisions about fetal viability and initiating late-term abortions.

Equally as concerning, Grall added, “Amendment 4 tells voters that it preserves parental notification while hiding the fact that it eliminates Florida’s parental consent law, making abortion the only medical procedure that can be performed on a minor without a parent’s permission.”

Additional informational events will be held on Aug. 14 and 15, to continue the mobilization of opposition to Amendment 4.

LifeNews Note: Rachel Quackenbush writes for CatholicVote, where this column originally appeared.