Kamala Harris Has Flip-Flopped on Everything Except Abortion Because She Wants Abortions Up to Birth

National   |   Dave Andrusko   |   Aug 14, 2024   |   5:18PM   |   Washington, DC

Let’s talk about the incredible vanishing Vice President, otherwise known as “Where the heck is Kamala Harris?” I guess we’ll know next week—unlike a press conference which she can easily avoid, Harris has to give an acceptance speech when the Democrats have their national convention where Harris will bask in the glow of fellow pro-abortion extremists.

For those of us who follow these things, you know the Big Story is how a California liberal is reversing herself on virtually every issue. It doesn’t take a boatload of consultants and political operatives to know that Harris’s positions on a wide variety of issues are wildly out of the mainstream. Hence the rapid (and transparent) revision of her positions, aka a “recalibration” of “her policy stances as she adjusts to role atop Democratic ticket,” to quote the always sympathetic CNN.

To take one example, yesterday the Washington Post published an article written by  Evan Halper under the headline “Kamala Harris scrambles to erase her anti-fracking past in Pennsylvania.”

The subhead is “The vice president’s history of hostility toward fossil fuels creates an acute political challenge in a must-win state.”

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Give Halper credit: Pennsylvania is a “must-win state” and

After years of positioning herself as a climate crusader and ardent opponent of frackingKamala Harris has avoided mention of such credentials in this must-win state for Democrats, where natural gas drives the economy, culture and everyday conversation.

Her new approach is proving a tough sell

Fracking is just one issue of a large—and I do mean large—panoply of issues which Harris is doing a 180.
National Review’s Jim Geraghty brilliantly outlines the chasm between the American people and Harris and her ham-handed attempt to bridge the gap.

You know the litany. Expanding the Supreme Court? Naw, not anymore. Anything to do with inflation, the border, police [de]funding, a single-payer health care system, etc., etc? That’s old news.

So where has Harris not flipped? You guessed it. Abortion.

Abortion now, more abortion later, abortion as the centerpiece of a Harris/Walz administration. You can read the stark contrast between pro-life former President Donald Trump and pro-abortion Vice President Harris here.

But it’s not just on policy issues, important as they most certainly are, like funding for abortion, refusing to vote for a bill to provide care to abortion survivors, packing the Supreme Court, exporting the abortion plague overseas, and the like.

It is, rather, that Harris is, in every sense of the phrase, a True Believer in abortion. She believes it is the magic elixir that cures everything.

In a recent interview on Face the Nation, CBS’s Margaret Brennan repeatedly asked Kamala Harris up to what point in pregnancy did she no longer support abortion. Harris never answered the question.

This prompted NRLC President Carol Tobias to remark, “The Biden-Harris abortion agenda is extreme and out of step with the majority of Americans. The administration’s tone-deaf response on the issue shows once again just how extreme Democrats are.”

One last thought on Democrats in general, Harris is particular about abortion until birth. Ramesh Ponnuru writes

The Democrats hate being accused of supporting legal abortion late in pregnancy and even after pregnancy, but it would be the easiest thing in the world for them to dispel the charge. They could just say, “Of course we favor prohibiting abortion after 22 weeks with these specified exceptions,” or, “Of course legal protections should be extended to all infants who are fully out of their mother’s womb.”

They never say that because they don’t believe it, they value the support of people who don’t believe it, or both.

LifeNews.com Note: Dave Andrusko is the editor of National Right to Life News and an author and editor of several books on abortion topics. This post originally appeared in at National Right to Life News Today —- an online column on pro-life issues.