We Must Stop These Amendments Legalizing Abortions Up to Birth, Get Involved Today

National   |   Mattison Brooks   |   Aug 15, 2024   |   5:16PM   |   Washington, DC

With fewer than three months to go until election day, Students for Life Action (SFLAction) is excited to announce the launch of our ballot initiative campaign and website, shaping it into a hub that will provide curated tools, resources, and materials for pro-life activists and voters. This one-stop shop will give pro-life voters and activists everything they need to reach fellow voters, educate their neighbors, and fight back against pro-abortion multi-media campaigns across the country, as well as show volunteers and students where they can get involved next.  


READ: Students for Life Action Launches Ballot Initiative Website Ahead of November Elections, With Abortion on the Ballot in States Across the Country

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SFLAction, and our sister organization, Students for Life of America (SFLA), have stayed busy in 2024, with events and programming including: 

  • 87 Campaign for Abortion Free Cities and Ballot Response Kits mailed out. 
  • 11 events door knocking deployments in 11 states. 


Over the coming months heading into November, SFLA and SFLAction will also engage in more events in states facing ballot initiatives, including 60 campus tour stops in seven states, with tabling, campus outreach and speaking engagements by SFLA President Kristan Hawkins. Four billboard truck tour stops are also planned for Florida, Missouri, Arizona, and Nebraska. 




The full state-by-state breakdown of events, as well as other future events for the remainder of the year, are below: 



Numbers at a Glance 

  • SFLA Groups: 34 
  • Door Knocking Events in 2024: 13 
  • # of Doors Knocked: 2,485 
  • Lobby Days in 2024: 4 

What We’ve Done 

SFLAction staff and student volunteers from nearby schools were door-knocking after the March for Life Arizona; in one instance, a Politico reporter tagged along to cover our activism work. 

READ: Follow Students for Life Action and Politico in Arizona as They Inform Voters on an Extreme Abortion Amendment  


During a February 2024 event in Arizona, pro-abortion petitioners got physical with SFLA teammates who were doing Decline to Sign campaign work on the ground in Phoenix.  

READ: SFLA Arizona Faces Decline to Sign Opposition: Handling Pro Abortion Harassment  


SFLAction also documented how a former abortionist believes that the Arizona ballot initiative to enshrine a Constitutional right to abortion goes way too far – and that the initiative itself is deceptively worded. 

READ: Even a Former Abortionist Thinks Arizona’s Abortion Initiative Goes Too Far  


What’s Coming Next  

SFLAction is in the early stages of investigation whether signatures gathered in Arizona were gathered under questionable pretenses. Allegedly, petitioners misrepresented the proposed law’s effects, using fear tactics such as claiming that “abortion will be illegal if you don’t sign this petition.”  

READ: Arizona’s Ballot Initiative Could be Facing Issues  


SFLAction will be hosting two deployments in Arizona in October. 100 volunteers are needed each in Tucson and Phoenix from Oct. 5 to 6. 

To sign up, visit: Deployments — SFL Action (studentsforlifeaction.org) 





Numbers at a Glance 

  • SFLA Groups: 55 
  • Door Knocking Events in 2024: 7 
  • # of Doors Knocked: 3,802 
  • Lobby Days in 2024: 1 

What We’ve Done 

SFLAction students and staff gathered in Naples, FL, to go door to door to raise awareness around Amendment 4, and the limitless abortion that could await Floridians if it passes in November.  

READ: Students for Life Action Rallying in Naples to Push Back Against Limitless Abortion Expansion Threatening Florida Babies  


SFLA launched a “Vote NO on 4” Florida Billboard Truck Tour to visit multiple Florida college and university campuses to engage students and potential voters. 

READ: Students for Life of America in Florida Again to Launch BRAND NEW VIDEO BILLBOARD TRUCK to Push Back Against Radical Pro-Abortion Ballot Initiative in November – Unlimited Abortion Up for a Vote  

READ: Goodbye, Spring Semester! Key Moments from Kristan Hawkins’ “No Abortion, No Exceptions” Campus Tour   


SFLA staff and students rallied in Jacksonville, FL as a pro-life presence the morning the Heartbeat Protection Law went into effect – and to raise the alarm that the November ballot initiative could undo that law, putting lives at risk.  

READ: Pro-Life Win: Preborn Hearts Will Beat in Florida Under the Heartbeat Abortion Prevention Act!   


SFLAction and SFLA staff and volunteers rallied on the steps of the Florida Supreme Court in Tallahassee. This was part of a larger pro-life coalition to call for defense of preborn lives and raise awareness around Amendment 4 and why voters should vote NO. 

READ: Students for Life Action Heading to Tallahassee TOMORROW to Call on the Florida Supreme Court to Protect Life  


In Sarasota, The Campaign for Abortion Free Cities (AFC) reached 466 neighbors, and in Tampa we reached 168 neighbors had 60 conversations, and activated 45 local neighbors to the pro-life movement.   


What’s Coming Next  

AFC will be on the ground in Miami for door knocking and voter education and engagement events on Saturday, August 24. 

Our AFC team in Jacksonville will be attending church meetings and planning upcoming door-knocking in September. A presentation will also be given by AFC about our mission at a local coalition meeting called on August 21, 2024. 

To sign up, visit: Deployments — SFL Action (studentsforlifeaction.org) 


In October, SFLAction and SFLA staff and volunteers will door knock in Orlando in the final weeks of the election season, seeking to persuade voters to vote NO on Amendment 4.  

To sign up, visit: Deployments — SFL Action (studentsforlifeaction.org) 




Numbers at a Glance 

  • SFLA Groups: 60 
  • Door Knocking Events in 2024: 7 
  • # of Doors Knocked: 9,151 


What We’ve Done 

SFLA staff and students mobilized at the Missouri State Fair to bring the “Vote No” message to Missourians from across the state, educating over 350 voters on the extreme pro-abortion amendment and asked them to pledge to vote no, collecting 174 pledges. 

The AFC team in St. Louis reached over 4,000 neighbors across 59 activations, while the AFC team in Columbia reached over 4,300 people.  

Grassroots activists from SFLAction and other pro-life groups have been combatting and following the efforts of the pro-abortion groups on the ground, as they push to get abortion expansion passed on the November ballot, with over 5,000 doors knocked to date.   

READ: Students for Life Action Grassroots Recap: Louisiana, Nebraska, Missouri, and Arizona  


What’s Coming Next  

We are actively recruiting for our October deployment in St. Charles – we are hoping to get 35 volunteers out with us to pound the pavement, speak to lawmakers, educate voters, and distribute materials.  

To sign up, visit: Deployments — SFL Action (studentsforlifeaction.org) 


The St. Louis AFC team will be hosting their annual Summer of Service on August 13, 2024, where they will go door to door with free pregnancy support resources in local St. Louis neighborhoods.  

To sign up, visit: Deployments — SFL Action (studentsforlifeaction.org) 




Numbers at a Glance 

  • SFLA Groups: 5 
  • Door Knocking Events in 2024: 1 


What We’ve Done 

SFLA affiliated students at Montana State University and University of Montana raised awareness against the ballot initiative last semester with campus events and door knocking.   


What’s Coming Next  

SFLAction is monitoring the situation on the ground with the ballot initiative to see if it becomes a full-fledged referendum – and if it does, we will be engaging in door knocking and campus flyering. We are also actively recruiting for our September deployment in Bozeman – we are hoping to get 15 volunteers out with us to pound the pavement, speak to lawmakers, educate voters, and distribute materials.  

To sign up, visit: Deployments — SFL Action (studentsforlifeaction.org) 




Numbers at a Glance 

  • SFLA Groups: 23 
  • Door Knocking Events in 2024: 2 
  • # of Doors Knocked: 1,567 
  • Lobby Days in 2024: 1 


What We’ve Done 

SFLAction volunteers from Lincoln, Nebraska knocked on doors and talked to voters within the district, as well as college students at the University of Nebraska Kearney, on the importance of protecting preborn life.  

READ: Students for Life Action Grassroots Recap: Louisiana, Nebraska, Missouri, and Arizona  


What’s Coming Next  

SFLA is actively recruiting for our September deployment in Kearney– we are hoping to get 25 volunteers out with us to pound the pavement, speak to lawmakers, educate voters, and distribute materials.  

To sign up, visit: Deployments — SFL Action (studentsforlifeaction.org) 




Numbers at a Glance 

  • SFLA Groups: 3 
  • Door Knocking Events in 2024: 1 
  • # of Doors Knocked: 95 

What We’ve Done 

Nevada, a state facing an abortion ballot initiative has seen a flurry of signature withdrawal requests from the pro-abortion signature collection campaign, numbering almost 350 – SFLAction has been pushing this campaign hard in recent months. 

READ: Decline to Sign has Taken Off in Nebraska  


What’s Coming Next  

SFLA is launching our AFC teams in Las Vegas and Reno, which will increase student and community involvement. SFLA is also looking for campus coordinators in Las Vegas to strengthen our campus presence in a critical swing state.  

SFLAction is monitoring the situation on the ground with the ballot initiative to see if it becomes a full-fledged referendum – and if it does, we will be engaging in door knocking and campus flyering. 

To sign up, visit: Deployments — SFL Action (studentsforlifeaction.org) 



Numbers at a Glance 

  • SFLA Groups: 9 
  • Door Knocking Events in 2024: 1 
  • # of Doors Knocked: 387 
  • Lobby Days in 2024: 1 


What We’ve Done 

South Dakota is letting voters do what the pro-abortion lobby dreads most: choose. And they’re choosing to change their minds on the deceptive pro-abortion signature collection campaign being propped up by Planned Parenthood.  

READ: The Pro-Abortion Lobby Is Really Upset that South Dakota Is Letting People Choose What to Do With their Signatures  


What’s Coming Next  

Volunteers will be needed for our September deployment in Sioux Falls. Volunteers can expect to distribute flyers and engage with voters.  

To sign up, visit: Deployments — SFL Action (studentsforlifeaction.org) 

LifeNews Note: Mattison Brooks is the Online Editor at Students for Life of America. Follow him on Twitter at @RealMBrooks.