97% of Cases Biden/Harris Filed on Abortion Violence Targeted Pro-Life Americans

Opinion   |   Tom Brejcha   |   Sep 6, 2024   |   10:03AM   |   Washington, DC

As written and passed, the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act is supposed to “protect access” to churches and pro-life pregnancy centers—not only abortion businesses.

But, plain as day, that is not how the FACE Act has been enforced by our federal Department of Justice. Ever since the FACE Act was signed into law 30 years ago, it was always intended to target pro-lifers…

Did you know that a whopping 97% of all FACE Act prosecutions have targeted pro-lifers?

We’ve seen an 800% increase in attacks on churches since 2018. At least 90 attacks on pro-life pregnancy help organizations have taken place since May 2022. Yet, the Biden-Harris DOJ has instead aimed its sights on peaceful pro-lifers…

Weaponized prosecutions like the one against peaceful pro-life advocate Lauren Handy—who is still jailed in a federal prison cell and serving out a cruel 57-month long sentence.

We’re appealing on behalf of Lauren, fighting to secure her freedom and overturn her unjust conviction—in which the Biden-Harris DOJ branded her peace-loving pro-life advocacy a “violent crime.”

Our hard-hitting appeal will also include Lauren’s co-defendants Paulette Harlow and Jean Marshall—two brave sisters, aged 75 and 74, respectively, who suffer from health issues and each face a 24-month sentences in federal prison—yet refuse to be silenced in the battle to defend life.

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“The children, they have no voice, and they’re hidden,” Paulette said. “We have to make them visible and make them heard.”

And let’s not forget about how the Biden-Harris DOJ prosecutors came after pro-life dad Mark Houck. Thanks be to God, we prevailed against their politically motivated charges and won Mark’s acquittal.

Then they came after another pro-life dad: Paul Vaughn. Just like in Mark’s case, the FBI pounded on Paul’s door, guns raised in an early morning SWAT-style raid in front of his children and hauled him away in a squad car.

The FACE Act “was always about abortion,” remarked Steve Crampton—one of our veteran FACE Act litigators who is defending Lauren, Paul, and others.

Biden-Harris DOJ prosecutors have the benefit of being able to dip into the federal government’s vast taxpayer-funded coffers. But we have pro-life heroes like you.

And I know you have our back when we’re in the thick of it against the abortion industry and its allies in government.

We all know that something is gravely wrong in our country when pro-lifers are thrown in jail for peacefully defending life and protesting the abortion industry—being slapped with sentences more extreme than for convicted drug dealers.

Just last week, the Biden-Harris DOJ won the convictions of seven more peaceful pro-lifers on the same, weaponized 10-year felony charges, this time in Detroit, Michigan.

Our Thomas More Society attorneys are likewise fighting for them in Michigan, asking our federal judge to dismiss the 10-year felony conspiracy charges being used by the Biden-Harris DOJ to put pro-lifers in jail for over a decade.

We’re committed to firmly standing our ground on the front lines in defense of peaceful pro-lifers suffering the full weight of the federal government bearing down on them.

Thank you for everything that you do to make this work possible. Please keep in your prayers our heroic clients and our legal team as we stay in the fight.

LifeNews Note: Tom Brejcha is the President & Chief Counsel of the Thomas More Society.