Kamala Harris Lies About Woman Who Died From Abortion Pill, Falsely Claims Pro-Life Law Killed Her

National   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Sep 17, 2024   |   10:08AM   |   Washington, DC

It didn’t take long for Kamala Harris to exploit the death of a woman from the abortion pill for political gain.

As LifeNews reported today, Georgia resident Amber Nicole Thurman died after she took the abortion pill – that caused complications when it left parts of her twin unborn babies inside her.

Thurman legally obtained abortion pills in North Carolina to end the lives of her unborn twins. Five days later, after returning to her native Georgia, she experienced a serious complication: some of her babies’ remains were still in the uterus, and she was developing an infection.

Doctors monitored her condition and hospitalized her but she died before they could do a D&C medical procedure to remove the parts of the unborn babies left inside her and finish the incomplete abortion caused by the failed abortion pill.

Although Thurman died from complications of the abortion pill, Harris blamed Georgia pro-life law and falsely claimed it prevented doctors from caring for her.

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“This young mother should be alive, raising her son, and pursuing her dream of attending nursing school,” Vice President Harris’ statement said. “This is exactly what we feared when Roe was struck down.”

State abortion bans, Harris said Tuesday, “are preventing doctors from providing basic medical care.”

“Women are bleeding out in parking lots, turned away from emergency rooms, losing their ability to ever have children again… and now women are dying,” Harris said.

“These are the consequences of Donald Trump’s actions,” Harris said. “There is so much at stake in this election, including restoring the freedoms that have been taken away from us.”

In a response to the report, a spokesman for Gov. Kemp, Garrison Douglas, defended the law and pointed to steps the governor has pushed in the state to improve maternal health, such as extending Medicaid coverage for mothers who’ve just given birth to six months and a $1 million pilot program to expand maternal health in rural communities.

“It is self-evident that dangerous misinformation places patients’ lives at risk, which is why getting the facts right is vitally important. Georgia’s LIFE Act not only expanded support for expectant mothers but also established clear exceptions, including providing necessary care in the event of a medical emergency,” a statement from Douglas said. “In Georgia, we will always fight for and protect the lives of the most vulnerable among us.”

Since the Supreme Court handed down the Dobbs decision, Thurman is the second woman to have died from the abortion pill.

A Nevada woman has died following a botched abortion at Planned Parenthood, the nation’s biggest abortion business.

Alyona Dixon, 24, died on September 28, 2022 after complications from the abortion forced her to seek emergency medical treatment four days after the abortion at Planned Parenthood. Her family is now suing the Las Vegas hospital that treated her, saying it did not provide adequate medical care for the abortion complications.

At the Planned Parenthood abortion center, Dixon received the dangerous mifepristone abortion pill that has killed dozens of other women and injured thousands. The pill has been linked to sepsis, which has killed other women taking the abortion drug, including Dixon.