Abortion Survivor Urges Florida Voters: Oppose Amendment 4, Reject Abortions Up to Birth

State   |   McKenna Snow   |   Sep 19, 2024   |   10:29AM   |   Washington, DC

In a new ad from a pro-life organization, a survivor of a failed abortion is urging Floridians to vote “no” on the pro-abortion Amendment 4, which will be on the state’s ballots this November.

“My birth mom was a scared teenager when she was forced into a late term abortion,” Claire Culwell states in the ad, which launched on September 18.

“Because of a doctor’s mistake, I survived,” Culwell continued, “but my twin did not.”

“I was left broken and hurt,” she said. “Late term abortion is real, and so is the pain. But the pro-choice industry wants it right up to birth – abortions that are too late, too painful, and too extreme for Florida. Will you stand for victims?”

The pro-life organization Created Equal posted the ad on YouTube and stated in the video’s description that “[t]he ad gives abortion victims a face by featuring the testimony of Claire Culwell who survived an abortion attempt that took the life of her twin.”

According to Ballotpedia, Amendment 4 would add the following clause to Article 1 of Florida’s Constitution: “Except as provided in Article X, Section 22, no law shall prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion before viability or when necessary to protect the patient’s health, as determined by the patient’s healthcare provider.”

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FloridaPolitics reported that Created Equal President Mark Harrington said in a statement that should Amendment 4 pass, “Florida would become a destination for violent, 5, 6, and 7-month abortions. By voting ‘No on 4’ Floridians can stop abortion extremists from achieving their diabolical plans to make Florida become California on abortion.”

Created Equal’s new ad highlights Culwell’s story “to target Florida’s persuadable voters,” according to the video description.

Culwell is the author of the 2021 book “Survivor: An Abortion Survivor’s Surprising Story of Choosing Forgiveness and Finding Redemption.”

In a review of the book, LiveAction President Lila Rose stated that Culwell “bears witness to the beauty and gift of every life, and the transforming power of forgiveness. We would all do well to learn from the story of Survivor and let Claire’s example convict and encourage us in the fight for life.”

Readers can find the ad here.

LifeNews Note: McKenna Snow writes for CatholicVote, where this column originally appeared.