Abortions Killed Two Georgia Women, Not Pro-Life Laws

National   |   Gary Bauer   |   Sep 19, 2024   |   5:16PM   |   Washington, DC

Kamala Harris is going to Georgia tomorrow to promote abortion. Press reports indicate that Harris will claim women are dying because pro-life laws “needlessly deny women reproductive healthcare,” meaning abortion on demand. She will reportedly cite two tragic cases of women who died after Georgia’s heartbeat law took effect.

Here’s what most of the media won’t tell you: These women died after attempting chemical or so-called “medication abortions.”

One woman died of sepsis because the chemical abortion failed, and the other died as a result of complications from the “medical abortion.” An autopsy report in the second case also revealed that the woman had “a lethal combination of painkillers, including the dangerous opioid fentanyl” in her system.

The lesson here should be that “baby pesticides” aren’t as safe for women as the left claims.

Here’s something else the media isn’t tell you: According to the Charlotte Lozier Institute, “All pro-life state laws allow doctors to exercise their medical judgment to treat women with pregnancy emergencies. . . Every state with a strong pro-life law permits doctors to treat women suffering from spontaneous miscarriages or ectopic pregnancies.”

But while every pro-life law allows for exceptions in critical cases, many progressive politicians will not name even one abortion they would prevent.

LifeNews.com Note: Gary Bauer is the president of American Values, a national pro-family organization and is the former president of the Family Research Council. Bauer ran for the Republican nomination for president and appears frequently on radio and television programs.