Planned Parenthood Can’t Wait for Kamala Harris to Become President

National   |   Chris Manion, PhD   |   Oct 15, 2024   |   3:46PM   |   Washington, DC

Why would Planned Parenthood, the organization responsible for hundreds of thousands of abortions each year, be over the moon about the prospect of a Harris-Walz administration?

Its super PAC is going all out to install the deadly duo in the Oval Office, stating  that it “is working to ensure Kamala Harris and Tim Walz make it to the White House, where they can build on the work Harris has done as vice president to protect our lives, bodies, and futures.”

Needless to say, they are not referring to the “lives, bodies, and futures” of the unborn children that they destroy daily.

Planned Parenthood’s reasoning is simple.  They know that, as president, Harris will use her executive authority to “legalize” abortion up to birth across the country.  Even more than that, they also know that she will use all of the federal agencies at her disposal to make sure that no one tries to stop her.

Harris has done this before.  As Attorney General of California, she relentlessly hounded pro-life organizations, even sending goons to raid their homes.

As president, her efforts to intimidate pro-life supporters will play out on a national stage, and her goal will be to shut down the pro-life movement in America.  I predict that she will order raids on pro-life groups across the country.

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One of the chief aims of such raids will be to seize the donor lists of such groups.  Why?  So she can use her executive authority to intimidate their supporters into silence.

The exposure of private donors in this fashion would constitute an act of open and direct defiance of the Supreme Court, which has declared such actions illegal.  But judging from her actions as California Attorney General, I doubt that Harris would care.

In fact, creating just such a constitutional crisis may be the ultimate aim of such a cavalier defiance of the Rule of Law.

In defying the Supreme Court, she’ll have the support of her Senate ally Chuck Schumer (D-NY), who is more than ready to pack the Supreme Court to create a supermajority of supporters of Harris’ radical anti-life agenda.

Harris, Schumer and Pelosi share one overarching goal, which is to seize and hold power for as long as they can.  They all know that, in order to do this, they must destroy the one remaining institution that stands in the way: the Judicial branch of government that was established in Article III of the Constitution.

Chuck Schumer, the Majority Leader of the Senate, is indeed powerful.  He does not, however, have enough votes to overcome a filibuster.  The rules governing a filibuster date from the early days of the Republic.  They allow unlimited debate on the Senate floor to continue unless a 60-vote majority of the Senate votes to stop it.

Majority Leader Schumer has contrived a workaround to this check in his power.  He intends to simplysuspend the normal Senate rules long enough to pack the Court.

But Schumer is not the only Democrat intent on suspending the rules. At a town hall held with Latino voters last week, Harris, reading from a teleprompter, promised illegal aliens a “pathway to citizenship.”

It sounded like she is getting ready to “suspend the rules” herself, without the bothersome necessity of passing a law.

There is ample precedent for such lawless behavior. In 2021, the Biden-Harris Administration changed federal immigration rules to put illegal aliens at the head of the line for permanent residency.  Those here on legal temporary visas were pushed to the back of the line.

That rule change has already had disastrous consequences.  Among other things, it “forced thousands of priests, brothers, nuns, and religious sisters … to leave the United States [when their temporary visas expire] while their applications for permanent residency are backlogged, with little prospect for relief in sight.”

Foreign priests serving in parishes throughout the United States have been forced to return to their homes, often for years, while they wait at the end of the line to be eligible to renew their visas. Many of these priests had been serving for years in dioceses and parishes that desperately needed them, and there are few alternatives available to replace them.

The Long Goal:  Destruction of the Family

While abortion is the Biden-Harris campaign’s “silver bullet” issue, her list of targets does not stop there.  She is looking to issue an Executive Order “to require federal funding for sex-transitioning” and other demands of the Democrat Party’s LGBTQ+ faction.

She will double down on Joe Biden’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) policies as well.  Reinforcing Biden’s Executive Orders of January 2021 to demand that all recipients of federal funding of any kind conform to the requirements of DEI.

You know, the kind of policies that FEMA promoted to its work force instead of helping real Americans in North Carolina and Florida cope with deadly hurricanes.

The Electoral Collage may also be on the chopping block.  Tim Walz, Harris’ running mate, has suggested getting rid of the Electoral College, replacing it with a direct popular vote, undermining another institution conceived by the Founders to protect the Republic.

The Constitution says, “Pursuant to 3 U.S.C. § 15, the votes of the Electoral College for President and Vice President, which have been submitted by the states, are counted in a joint session of Congress, presided over by the Vice President.”

That provision in the Constitution preserves the equal rights of citizens in every state to be represented in the election of the president. That forces candidates to campaign throughout the country, rather than focusing on a few population centers that might constitute less than five percent of the country’s area.

And while they’re at it, why not overturn the Bill of Rights as well?

John Kerry, the perennial prophet of doom, now suggests that the First Amendment has to go because he disagrees with so much of the free speech that the Amendment allows and protects.

I would remind those who doubt that Harris’ determination to fundamentally change America that she has been Joe Biden’s understudy for the past four years.  She has seen how Biden has conjured up a few dozen “new laws” with the wave of an “Executive Order”.

Why would she not do the same, the first week she takes office.

LifeNews Note: Christopher Manion writes for the Population Research Institute, where his column originally appeared.