Planned Parenthood Employee Quits After Pro-Life Advocates Pray Outside Abortion Biz

National   |   Shawn Carney   |   Oct 15, 2024   |   12:16PM   |   Washington, DC

Abortion workers react to 40 Days for Life in different ways.

Many try to ignore 40 Days for Life vigils. Some get angry. Some are friendlier than you’d expect. Still others turn on sprinklers or blare loud music to get you to go away.

And some quit their jobs.

That was the case in the northeastern United States, where a Planned Parenthood employee still wearing her work clothes left the abortion facility, rolled down her window, and announced, “I just quit.”

The 40 Days for Life sidewalk counselors on hand provided the woman with information about, which former Planned Parenthood employee of the year Abby Johnson set up to assist abortion workers leaving the abortion industry.

Over the last few weeks, amazing testimonials have taken place at Planned Parenthood due to prayer warriors being present,” said the local leader.

To protect them from reprisals, we don’t share the locations from which abortion workers resign. But we still celebrate them!

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Las Vegas, Nevada

40 Days for Life volunteers in Las Vegas were treated to a surprise visit from another former Planned Parenthood employee of the year, Mayra Rodriguez, who stopped by to pray.

Mayra is an ex-abortion worker who doesn’t need to remain anonymous because the abortion industry already tried to ruin her.

After she blew the whistle on the abortion giant for leaving the head of an aborted baby inside the mother’s womb, colleagues tried to discredit her by accusing her of having narcotics in her desk.

But Mayra fought back, won a multimillion-dollar whistleblower lawsuit, and is now doing pro-life work around the world!

Oradea, Romania

The Oradea 40 Days for Life team prays in front of a public hospital, which provides abortions…

…and the peaceful presence has persuaded some doctors to refuse to kill unborn babies!

“The hospital staff is provoked by our presence,” wrote Miorika.

And it’s not just the workers taking notice. “A gentleman stopped the car to ask us questions,” Miorika continued. “Although I sensed an adversarial tone from the beginning, by the end of the discussion he was questioning the morality of abortion.

People really do change their minds in response to pro-life prayer and witness! Note: Shawn Carney is the campaign director for the 40 Days for Life pro-life prayer campaign against abortion.