Radical Pro-Abortion Feminist Chelsea Handler Calls Herself a “Threat” to Men

National   |   Justine Brook Murrary   |   Oct 21, 2024   |   3:13PM   |   Washington, DC

Chelsea Handler insists she’s a “threat” to men.

Ah yes. It’s not because she’s a whiny, admittedly “selfish” femcel that no man wants to be around.

It must be that she’s a “threat to a lot of straight men who don’t have enough self-confidence,” the late-night talk show host proclaimed in an interview on Kelly Ripa’s “Let’s Talk Off Camera” podcast.

“You shouldn’t find it threatening, you should find it empowering that I’m spreading this message to other women; if you want to have a baby, for sure get one, but if you don’t want to have a baby that’s valid, too,” the “comedian” said.

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“Your value is not dependent on whether or not you’re married and your value is not dependent on whether you procreate,” Handler continued in a defense of her choices.

“I want to spread joy and positivity and I want women to feel valued,” Handler continued.

So much for that “joy” feminists keep preaching about:

Handler complained that having a family would mean she’d have to be “focused on them” (instead of herself). She told Ripa it would give her a “set of responsibilities” that she “never wanted in the first place.”

God forbid, she’d ever have to grow up and look after others! But Handler twisted her self-serving lifestyle, claiming it gives her more time to help the lives of others.

After all, she insists, being alone and childless provides her with “extra spending cash” to “generously” “give away.’

Like on $5 million estates and private jets for her pets.

Having no family is “f*cking awesome,” she told Ripa.

To prove how much “joy” it brings her, she recently posted this totally not depressing video on TikTok, entitled “Day In the Life of A Childless Woman.”

“I wake up at 6 AM. I remember that I have no kids to take to school, so I take an edible, masturbate, and go back to sleep,” she began in the clip.

Just another day for child-free @chelseahandler #DayInTheLife pic.twitter.com/MTCqbHQBeY

— The Daily Show (@TheDailyShow) February 10, 2023

The lady doth protest too much.

LifeNews Note: Justine Brook Murrary writes for Newsbusters, where this originally appeared.