Worst Abortion Clinic in America Injures Two More Women in Botched Abortions

State   |   Anne Reed   |   Oct 21, 2024   |   11:57AM   |   Granite City, Illinois

“Hopeless” Clinic, named by Operation Rescue as last year’s “Worst of the Worst,” recently botched at least two abortions – in just over two weeks. In both cases, Granite City 911 dispatchers failed to respond in a manner worthy of a trained emergency communications officer.

Perhaps the perceived indifference of the dispatchers is the result of many repeat emergency calls from this notoriously dangerous facility.

September 19 Emergency: 

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An employee called 911 and cheerfully said, “Hi, this is Kelly from Hope Clinic. We need an ambulance to take a patient.”

That was it. Nothing more.

The 911 dispatcher seemed to dismiss the gravity of the situation. She asked no questions about the patient’s vital signs to prepare the medical professionals for the appropriate level of emergency medical intervention.

Did the woman need basic life support or advanced life support?

Was she experiencing shock symptoms?

Was she breathing?

These are all typical questions asked by 911 dispatchers in every state across the nation.

However, this dispatcher simply responded by saying, “Ok, we’ll send them on,” as if she was dispatching an Uber from the next block over.

Hopeless Clinic has a long history of perforating the internal organs of mothers during abortion procedures used to kill babies as late as 26 weeks into their gestational development. Nearly every one of its documented medical emergencies has been due to hemorrhaging.

October 5 Emergency: 

On October 5, another call was made from the Hopeless facility. The dispatcher responded listlessly, “Uh huh, what’s going on at the Hope Clinic?”

The employee stated an ambulance was needed to transfer a patient to “Barnes Trauma immediately.”

Barnes-Jewish Hospital is a Level One trauma center located in St. Louis, Missouri. Though a hospital is located directly across the street from the Hopeless clinic, the facility’s botched abortions almost always necessitate transfer to a highest-level trauma response center where surgeons are at hand to perform emergency surgery.

Again, the dispatcher asked nothing other than the patient’s age. The employee could not provide that basic information and only seemed to guess that she was in her thirties.

“Alright, I’ll get an ambulance over there,” she muttered indifferently.

Operation Rescue President Troy Newman observed, “The lack of urgency in the voices of the women responding to these emergencies is destressing when you consider that a mom in each situation had likely already facilitated the death of her child and lay in a bed suffering, perhaps bleeding out.

“But people who kill for a living are not likely to become unsettled by another person’s suffering. And the regularity of these emergencies has obviously diminished sensitivity on the part of dispatchers so much that they fail to follow through with the basic requirements of their jobs as first responder support specialists. The callousness is utterly demoralizing.”

LifeNews Note: “This article was originally published by Operation Rescue, a leading pro-life, Christian activist organization dedicated to exposing abortion abuses, demanding enforcement, saving innocent lives, and building an abortion-free America. The author, Anne Reed, is Senior Policy Advisor for Operation Rescue.”