Pro-Life Leader: Nancy Pelosi is a “Disgrace to the Country and the Catholic Faith”

National   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Apr 20, 2020   |   12:16PM   |   Washington, DC

A national pro-life leader called House Speaker Nancy Pelosi a “disgrace” this week after she got involved in a legal fight about religious freedom with a Catholic nuns’ charity.

Speaking with One News Now, American Life League executive director Jim Sedlak said he hopes Catholic leaders hold the pro-abortion Democrat accountable for her actions.

“She’s a disgrace to the country, she’s a disgrace to the Constitution, [and] she’s a disgrace to the Catholic faith that she claims that she follows – but of course clearly does not,” Sedlak said.

Recently, Pelosi joined an amicus brief arguing against the Little Sisters of the Poor’s appeal for religious freedom. For six years, the Catholic nuns have been forced to fight in court to be exempted from an Obamacare contraception mandate. The mandate requires employers to pay for sterilizations and all FDA-approved contraception methods, including types that may end the life of a newly formed human being in its mother’s womb.

In January, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear the Little Sisters’ case for a second time after pro-abortion Democrats took them back to court.

Pelosi claimed their case is “an outrageous attack on women’s health, women’s pocketbooks and women’s independence.”

Sedlak said Pelosi’s abortion advocacy has been a problem for years; she once called late-term abortions “sacred ground” in clear violation of the Catholic faith.

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Here’s more from the report:

Sedlak is hopeful that Salvatore Cordileone, the archbishop of San Francisco – Pelosi’s home diocese – will respond to the speaker’s longstanding pro-abortion stance as an example to other Roman Catholics in public office.

“We are hoping that with this brand-new thing that’s happening that it would just give more impetus to Bishop Cordileone to take some action, some public action to demonstrate how far out of sync with the Catholic Church that Nancy Pelosi is,” the ALL spokesman states.

Sedlak adds that Pelosi is on his list of people he would like to have a conversation with to explain to her to what degree she is not practicing the faith she claims to be her own.

Like the Little Sisters, Pelosi also identifies as a devout Catholic. However, she opposes Catholic Church teachings about the sanctity of human life and fights against religious freedom for the very faith that she claims to be a part of.

Pelosi has a radical pro-abortion voting record and close ties with the largest abortion chain in America, Planned Parenthood. As Speaker of the House, she has attempted to dismantle the pro-life policies of the Trump administration and restore cuts that it made to Planned Parenthood and other abortion businesses. When she took over as House speaker, she told RollCall that “women’s reproductive health” – a euphemism for unrestricted abortion up to birth – will be her priority.