Several Hundred Parents Rally Against Planned Parenthood Pushing Its Sex Ed Agenda on Their Kids

State   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Oct 1, 2019   |   11:24PM   |   St. Paul, Minnesota

Planned Parenthood has been boasting lately about being the largest sex education provider in America.

Now, concerned parents are pushing back.

In September in Minnesota, hundreds of parents rallied against a new sex education proposal that is being considered in their state, Breitbart reports.

State House File 1414 would require that “Comprehensive Sex Education” be taught in all pre-kindergarten through 12th grade public and charter schools in the state, according to the report.

Concerned parents with Child Protection League said the proposed curriculum “encourages early sexual exploration in graphic detail” and uses “porn-like images” to teach children as young as 10 that consensual sex is perfectly normal. It also allows representatives of the Planned Parenthood abortion chain to teach children in their classrooms, the group said.

“CSE grooms children for early sexual activity making them vulnerable targets for sexual abuse, experimentation and trafficking,” the Child Protection League states on its website. “According to the FBI, sexual predators ‘groom’ children with pornographic images and explicit sexual instruction to remove natural defenses. We call that criminal. Planned Parenthood calls it ‘education’ and says it’s perfectly normal.”

Minnesota state Rep. Peggy Scott said Planned Parenthood, a billion-dollar abortion provider, helped to write the curriculum.

“So, members of the public need to understand that Planned Parenthood — a very controversial organization — is putting forth its agenda into our public schools,” she said.

A number of concerned politicians and parents spoke during the rally Sept. 22 on the state capitol steps, advocating against the controversial sex education bill.

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According to the Child Protection League, which organized the rally, one of the more disturbing materials is a book for fourth graders called “It’s Perfectly Normal.” Planned Parenthood recommends it for children, according to the group, even though it includes graphic descriptions of sex.

The book describes “sexual intercourse” as “having sex” that “can involve the penis and the vagina, or the mouth and the genitals, or the penis and the anus,” according to the report.

Rebecca Brannon, writing at Alpha News MN, described the Comprehensive Sex Education curriculum this way:

CSE goes beyond the typical sex education we grew up with that covered basic anatomy differences between boys and girls. This progressive curriculum is being pushed by the far-left and views children as sexual from birth. Essentially, your child can have any kind of sex, anywhere, anytime, with anybody, at any age, and ‘it’s perfectly normal.’”

Minnesota is not alone. In the past several years, concerned parents in Pennsylvania, Michigan, California, Washington state, New York, North Carolina, Florida, Iowa and other parts of the country have protested Planned Parenthood’s involvement in their students’ education.

In one recent case, parents at a Pennsylvania school said a Planned Parenthood partner group taught seventh-grade students graphic details about oral sex during a science class.

In 2018, CBS News reported North Carolina parents petitioned for Planned Parenthood to stop teaching their middle school students. They said Planned Parenthood’s “Get Real” curriculum “encourages sixth graders to feel ‘comfortable and ready’ for sex. The petition says the curriculum provides flash cards outlining proper condom usage, for ‘vaginal, oral or anal sex’ and recommends the usage of ‘non-microwavable saran wrap’ as a prophylactic for certain non-reproductive sex acts.”

Planned Parenthood is targeting very young children as well. In February, Planned Parenthood and several partner groups launched a new YouTube channel called Amaze jr. with sex education videos for children as young as 4.

Among its worst teaching points, Planned Parenthood tells children that promiscuity is ok. “There’s nothing bad or unhealthy about having a big number of sexual partners,” it tells students on its Tumbler page. Planned Parenthood’s booklet for HIV-positive youth, “Healthy, Happy and Hot,” also tells young people that it is their “human right” to not tell their partner that they have HIV.

Monica Cline, a former Title X sex education instructor who worked closely with Planned Parenthood, said she believes the abortion chain “grooms” children for sexual promiscuity and abortions.

“The sex education grooms them for promiscuity, grooms them for STD treatment, and grooms them for abortion,” she said.