Nancy Pelosi: It’s Okay if I Force Americans to Fund Abortions Because I’m a “Devout Catholic”

National   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Jul 22, 2021   |   2:57PM   |   Washington, DC

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi insisted that she is a “devout Catholic” Thursday while defending Democrats’ plan to force taxpayers to pay for the killing of unborn babies in abortions.

During a press conference with the Democrat leader, EWTN Nightly News correspondent Erik Rosales asked Pelosi why House Democrats have refused to allow a vote on a bill to make the Hyde Amendment a permanent law. The longstanding amendment prohibits taxpayer funding for elective abortions in Medicaid and other federal programs.

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When Rosales asked why Democrats have blocked the bill 37 times this summer, Pelosi responded by claiming taxpayer-funded abortions are “an issue of health of many women in America,” Fox News reports. LifeNews reported that the number just increased to 38.

Then, Pelosi invoked her Catholic faith to defend her radical views.

“As a devout Catholic and mother of five in six years, I feel that God blessed my husband and me with our beautiful family – five children in six years almost to the day,” she said. “But that may not be what we should – and it’s not up to me to dictate that that’s what other people should do, and it’s an issue of fairness and justice for poorer women in our country.”

Though Pelosi often mentions her Catholic faith, many of her public actions openly defy the teachings of Christianity and violate the consciences of those who truly follow it. Her effort to force taxpayers to fund abortions for the first time in more than 40 years is one example.

The Hyde Amendment is a longstanding, bipartisan measure that prohibits taxpayer funding for elective abortions in Medicaid and other federal programs. Pro-life researchers estimate it has saved at least 2.4 million babies from abortion, and polls consistently show that a strong majority of Americans support it.

For decades, the amendment had strong bipartisan support in Congress as an annual rider in the federal budget, but Democrat leaders recently switched their position on the issue. In January, Pelosi said ending the Hyde Amendment is “long overdue.”

“We must pursue justice, economic justice, justice in health, racial justice, environmental and climate justice; the list goes on,” she said after being re-elected as House Speaker.