California Legislature Passes Bill Allowing Nurses to Kill Babies in Abortions

State   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Aug 31, 2022   |   11:23AM   |   Sacramento, California

Nurse practitioners and midwives soon may be allowed to abort unborn babies in California without the supervision of a doctor.

CBS News 8 reports the California Legislature’s Democrat super-majority sent the legislation to Gov. Gavin Newsom on Tuesday to expand who may perform first-trimester abortions in the state.

Since 2013, California has allowed nurses and midwives to abort unborn babies in the first trimester under the supervision of a licensed physician. The new legislation, Senate Bill 1375, eliminates the physician requirement and allows nurse practitioners and midwives to do first-trimester abortions unsupervised.

The Senate passed the bill Tuesday in a 31-9 vote, and the House voted 58-16 in favor of the bill Monday.

Senate President pro Tempore Toni Atkins, D-San Diego, the lead sponsor of the bill, said California has a shortage of doctors, and experts predict the problem will grow worse in the next decade.

“By expanding the number of nurse practitioners who can perform first-trimester abortions, SB 1375 would give more people the ability to get the timely, essential care they need from a provider they know and trust,” Atkins said. “We need to do everything we can to ensure abortion care is not only protected but expanded in California.”

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However, almost all abortions are elective, and most women who have abortions do not have a previous patient relationship with the abortionist.

Courthouse News reports the bill received support from abortion facilities and pro-abortion lobbying groups, including Women’s Health Specialists in Northern California.

“This bill is an important step to ensuring that CA protects and expands access to abortion services,” the abortion facility responded on Twitter.

This year, Newsom also proposed new monetary incentives to encourage more medical students to become abortionists.

A number of states now allow nurses and midwives to abort unborn babies, including Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Massachusetts, Montana, New Hampshire, Virginia and Vermont.

A 2013 California study found that abortions done by non-physicians were twice as likely to have complications as those done by licensed physicians.

Allowing nurses to abort unborn babies is one of the ways the abortion industry hopes to prop up its life-destroying business. Abortion rates are dropping and abortion clinics have been closing, in part, because fewer doctors are willing to abort unborn babies.

According to the American Association of Pro-Life OB-GYNs, 93 percent of OB-GYNs do not perform elective abortions.

California has very few limits on abortion, and it forces taxpayers to pay for them. A new law slated to go into effect next year will force all public colleges and universities to provide abortions on campus. The state has the highest number of abortion facilities in the country at 168, and more than 100,000 unborn babies are aborted there every year, according to a new ANSIRH study and the Guttmacher Institute.