Kamala Harris Wants Congress to Pass Bill Legalizing Abortions Up to Birth

National   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Jun 21, 2023   |   2:53PM   |   Washington, DC

Kamala Harris urged Congress to create a “right” to abort unborn babies up to birth during an interview Tuesday with MSNBC host Joy Reid.

Harris sat down with Reid and other abortion activists in Texas to talk about the upcoming anniversary of the Dobbs v. Jackson ruling.

In the interview, the Democrat leader claimed it is “immoral” not to allow women to abort their unborn babies, and insisted that the U.S. Supreme Court was wrong in Dobbs. Harris argued that abortion is a constitutional right under an individual’s right to privacy, and Congress should pass legislation to “put back” that right.

“Ultimately, the United States Congress can put back in place what the United States Supreme Court took,” Harris said. “The United States Supreme Court took a constitutional right. The United States Congress has the power to put in place a protection of that individual privacy right that all Americans should be entitled to.”

Harris was wrong. The Supreme Court actually created an imaginary “right” to abort unborn babies for basically any reason up to birth in the Roe v. Wade ruling. The 1973 decision forced states to legalize abortion for any reason up to viability and allowed abortion on demand up to birth, leading to the deaths more than 63 million unborn babies.

Nearly 50 years later, on June 24, 2022, the high court overturned Roe in the Dobbs decision, ruling that abortion is not a constitutional right and the issue should be up to the American people. Since then, 15 states have begun enforcing laws to protect unborn babies and more are fighting in court to do the same.

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One new study estimates almost 25,000 unborn babies have been saved from abortion since the ruling. However, the number likely would be much higher were it not for the Biden administration’s aggressive efforts to expand abortions.

Among other things, Harris and President Joe Biden have been pressuring Congress to pass a radical pro-abortion bill nicknamed the Abortion Without Limits Up to Birth Act. Although supporters claim it would merely “codify Roe” into federal law, the bill actually would erase basically all abortion restrictions nationwide, including parental consent for minors, informed consent and bans on late-term abortions.

Harris did not mention these details of the bill in her interview with Reid, likely because she knows most Americans oppose such extreme measures. Instead, she attacked pro-life legislation that is saving unborn babies’ lives, calling it “immoral.”

“One of the issues on the topic of the Dobbs decision is laws being proposed and passed that make no exception for rape and incest,” she said. “I’m going to be explicit about what that means. It means that so-called leaders are saying that after an individual has experienced such a crime of violence, a violation to their body and surviving that, that these so-called leaders would say to that same person, ‘and the next decision you make about your body is not yours either…’ That’s immoral. That’s immoral to take away her ability to decide what happens to her body next.”

Victims of rape and incest account for a very small number of the abortions in the U.S., and aborting an unborn baby does not heal rape. Many victims choose life for their unborn babies, knowing that their child is another innocent victim of the crime. Others who have had abortions say the abortion caused worse trauma than the rape and they regret ending their child’s life.

Harris used the example to appeal to people’s compassion for mothers in difficult circumstances, telling Reid, “One attribute of true leadership is to have some sense of empathy and understanding, as opposed to judgment when people have had those kinds of experiences.”

It’s true that women in difficult circumstances deserve support and understanding, but their unborn babies do, too. Abortions do not fix problems; they just destroy unborn babies’ lives and leave women to continue to fend for themselves. A new study found two-thirds of women who had abortions said they wanted support, not abortions, and would have chosen life for their unborn babies if they had had it.

Pro-life states are trying to increase support to help these struggling mothers. But the Biden administration is trying to thwart these efforts. It recently began cutting off critical health care funding for poor Americans in pro-life states because of their laws banning elective abortions.

The American people do not support abortions up to birth, paid for with their tax dollars, but that is the Biden administration’s goal. Numerous polls show strong public opposition to taxpayer funding for elective abortions and strong public support for laws that limit abortions, especially after the first trimester.