Hispanics Reject Joe Biden as His Radical Abortion Agenda Continues

National   |   Dave Andrusko   |   Dec 19, 2023   |   7:55PM   |   Washington, DC

We’ve been keeping track of pro-abortion President Joe Biden’s electoral descent. His job approval numbers are awful, hovering between a low of 33% and a “high” of 43%.

And his managing of the economy—dubbed Bidenomics—is worse because the President is telling people what their lying eyes are seeing—inflation—is all wrong.

What’s really troubling for the Biden re-election team is that he is losing votes from absolutely core consistencies: Blacks and Hispanics. The New York Times’s Reid J. Epstein and Maya King write

Polling released by The New York Times and Siena College last month found that 22 percent of Black voters in six of the most important presidential battleground states said they would support Mr. Trump against Mr. Biden next year, an alarming figure for Democrats given Black voters’ decades-long loyalty to the party.

But it’s far worse with Hispanics. Writing for CNBC, Rebecca Picciotto tells us just a few hours ago that

The newest CNBC All-America Economic Survey found that Donald Trump has a five-point lead with Latino voters against Biden, compared to Biden’s seven-point lead over Trump in October.

Whose left? Jamie Joseph tells us

Former President Donald Trump is leading President Biden among young voters by a 13-point margin in a five-way race, according to the latest Fox News Poll.

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Forty-one percent of respondents under 30 said they’d vote for Trump in the 2024 general election while 28% said they’d vote for Biden, 14% said Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., 7% for Jill Stein, and 5% for Cornel West. In that scenario, those under 45 years old also favored Trump, with 41% saying they’d vote for Trump versus 31% who’d cast their vote for Biden.

Finally, the latest Fox News poll, which interviewed 1,007 registered voters between December 10 and December 13, has Trump at 41% among women to 34% for Biden.

LifeNews.com Note: Dave Andrusko is the editor of National Right to Life News and an author and editor of several books on abortion topics. He frequently writes Today’s News and Views — an online opinion column on pro-life issues.