Planned Parenthood Collected $1,780 in Tax Dollars for Every Baby It Killed in Abortion

National   |   Marie Smith   |   Dec 20, 2023   |   6:36PM   |   Washington, DC

The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a long-awaited report documenting the amount of federal funding received by certain abortion providers requested by 142 congressional Republicans led by Sen. Marsha Blackburn, Rep. Chris Smith, and Rep. Vicky Hartzler in January 2022. GAO reports that the U.S. government used taxpayers’ funds to subsidize the domestic and global abortion industry.

Federal Funding for Certain Organizations Providing Health-Related Services, 2019 through 2022, documented the amount of federal funding received by certain abortion providers between 2019 and 2021 including Planned Parenthood, International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), MSI Reproductive Choices, and at least four U.S. abortion facilities which received a combined total of $1.89 billion through grants, agreements, loans, and programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and Children’s Health Insurance. But, Planned Parenthood, responsible for over the deaths of over 1 million preborn children between 2019 and 2021, collected the largest share of funds: $1.78 billion.

Despite an overwhelming majority of Americans opposing the funding of abortions overseas, the federal government gave $2.03 million for global abortion industry giant International Planned Parenthood Federation and $1.35 million for MSI Reproductive Choices, formerly known as Marie Stopes International. In 2022, IPPF reported that it provided 5 million “abortion-related services,” and MSI reported 4.7 million “clients reached with safe abortion or post-abortion care.”

According to Rep. Chris Smith, co-chairman of the Congressional Pro-Life Caucus, “GAO found that Planned Parenthood received a whopping $1.78 billion between 2019-2021 while the nation was struggling with the COVID-19 pandemic. This included $90.14 million in forgivable loans through the Paycheck Protection Program — money that could have gone to struggling small businesses, many of which were forced to close.”

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“Federal taxpayer dollars should not be funneled to big abortion corporations like Planned Parenthood, which has killed over 9.3 million unborn children since 1970, including 1.11 million between 2019-2021,” Smith continued. “This money would have been better spent helping the businesses that were forced to close or providing comprehensive medical support for both women and children, he said.”

Senator Blackburn declared, “It is appalling that big abortion providers are continuing to receive billions of dollars in federal taxpayer funding. While small businesses struggled to make ends meet during the pandemic, Planned Parenthood illegally siphoned over $90 million from the Paycheck Protection Program, specifically designed to help our mom and pop shops keep their doors open.”

It was also reported that from 2021 to 2022, the Biden administration increased funding to Planned Parenthood through the Department of Health and Human Services from $5.71 million to $27.06 million — a 373% increase. This came about after the Biden administration rescinded the Trump-era Protect Life Rule for Title X programs, which barred all groups that received federal funding through Title X from referring women to abortion providers and required them to maintain physical and financial separation from abortion facilities. Note:  Marie Smith is the director of the Parliamentary Network for Critical Issues.