How Can Joe Biden Win When He is Destroying America?

Opinion   |   Dave Andrusko   |   Feb 19, 2024   |   7:56AM   |   Washington, DC

No matter how Democrats and Never-Trumpers try to ease President Biden into not running for a second term, it’s not likely that a man who first ran for the office in 1987 can be convinced to step away for another [equally pro-abortion] Democrat.

For example, take this headline from Pamela Paul’s lament this week in the New York Times: “Biden Must Win. But How?”.

Paul writes

Most troubling, he’s too old and he looks tired. My brain wants to delete everything it’s heard from people who have spent time in his presence in the last year. (It’s not encouraging.) Only 23 percent of voters, according to a January NBC poll, say Biden is better than Trump on “having the necessary mental and physical health to be president,” a statistic that, no matter which way you bend it, doesn’t mean anything good.

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If Biden is going to convince America that he has the drive to fight for their interests for the next four years, he has to show that he has four years of ideas and the wherewithal to carry them out left in him.

The problem is that her solutions don’t work. And even more troubling is even though she sort of backs away it, she advises

Forget nuance, forget reasonableness, forget complicated facts, forget humility and homilies and old-timey yarns the bottom line is the advice to “go low.”

Peggy Noonan, writing in the Wall Street Journal, takes the high road mixed with apocalyptic warnings just in case the high road doesn’t work: “Democrats Are Too Resigned to Biden: If he steps aside, he’ll be a hero to his party. If he stays, his legacy may well be a second Trump term.”

“Has anyone had The Talk with him, his family and staff? All the odds laid out, the arguments made, a plea spoken? Has anyone been frank, candid, tough?,” she pleads.

Noonan examines the incredible pitfalls that any last minute change in the nominee and says go for it anyway!

Final thought for a Friday afternoon. Fox News reported on a new Monmouth University Poll.

According to Aubrie Spady and Paul Steinhauer

Nearly half of voters think President Biden could be replaced as the Democratic nominee in 2024 amid growing concerns over his health.

A Monmouth University poll released Thursday revealed Biden is “seen in a more negative light than Trump” when it comes to physical health and age, as only 32% of respondents think the president is physically fit to serve another four years in office.

The results reflect a significant 20-point decrease in voter confidence in Biden since 2020, when Monmouth reported over 50% of voters believing Biden had the stamina to be president.

As he seeks re-election, about 48% of respondents said that they think it is either somewhat or very likely Biden will be replaced as the Democratic nominee in 2024 due to elevated concerns over his health and stamina.