San Antonio City Council Wants to Spend $500,000 in Taxpayer Dollars to Fund Abortions

State   |   Kimberlyn Schwartz   |   Apr 10, 2024   |   3:47PM   |   San Antonio, Texas

The San Antonio City Council will meet today to discuss the controversial “Reproductive Justice Fund” and reveal whether it will allow abortion logistics groups to apply for taxpayer grants.

San Antonio City Council included $500,000 for a “Reproductive Justice Fund” in its 2024 budget. Councilmembers said they intended to provide grants to organizations that pay for out-of-state abortions and even assist with illegal chemical abortions in Texas.

Texas became the first state ever to enforce a heartbeat bill. The Texas Heartbeat Act, which went into effect on September 1, 2021, prohibits abortions once a fetal heartbeat is detected and empowers private citizens to bring civil lawsuits against anyone who performs or aids and abets an abortion in violation of the law.

Paying for abortions or costs associated with them is illegal in Texas. Any person or government that gives money to these organizations becomes complicit in their criminal acts.

Texas Right to Life sued the City of San Antonio in October to stop the government from giving taxpayer money to anti-Life organizations, regardless of whether the grants are used for abortion or non-abortion purposes.

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The council’s action Wednesday could indicate whether members kowtowed to the Pro-Life lawsuit and will backtrack from funding pro-abortion groups or if they will double down on the illegal activity.

The organizations that lobbied for this budgetary provision and hope to obtain taxpayer funds include Jane’s Due Process, AVOW, the Buckle Bunnies Fund, Sueños Sin Fronteras, and the Lilith Fund for Reproductive Equity. These groups break Texas law by “procuring” out-of-state abortions, which is a criminal act when any part of the procurement process occurs within Texas. The Buckle Bunnies Fund also directs pregnant women to obtain illegal abortion pills in Texas, which violates the state’s criminal abortion laws and the murder statute.