YouTube Deletes Pro-Life Group’s Channel Over Abortion Video, Denies Appeal

National   |   Sarah Zagorski   |   May 17, 2024   |   6:02PM   |   Washington, DC

On Tuesday, Louisiana Right to Life was informed by YouTube that our channel, established approximately in 2013, had been deactivated without warning. They claimed they found “severe or repeated violations of [their] harmful and dangerous policy” on our page after we uploaded a video exposing the online abortion-pill crisis.

Louisiana Right to Life immediately appealed their decision. Then, on Thursday, YouTube responded saying, “We reviewed your channel carefully, and have confirmed that it violates our harmful and dangerous policy.”

However, rather than asking Louisiana Right to Life to remove a specific video, removing it directly, or warning us of any specific violation of their policy within a video or videos, they instead deactivated our entire channel.

Unsurprisingly, there are many videos on YouTube that show how to illegally access and purchase abortion pills.

Please follow LifeNews on Rumble for the latest pro-life videos.

Sarah Zagorski, the Communications Director for Louisiana Right to Life, said, “It is outrageous that YouTube is censoring our pro-life voice. The hypocrisy of YouTube is staggering. While censoring our efforts to expose the illegal sale of abortion pills, they allow pro-abortion videos that do violate their policies by promoting the availability of abortion pills in states where the law makes it illegal.

Our videos benefit public health, protect women and girls, and expose the distributors to law enforcement so they can pursue legal action in the future. We know this is blatant pro-life censorship because of the plethora of unlawful abortion propaganda on YouTube’s platform.”

Louisiana Right to Life has published a public complaint letter to YouTube, which is available here. View our investigative report released yesterday: The Rampant Abuse of Abortion Pills.

Louisiana Right to Life (LARTL), established in 1970, works through education, legislation, inspiration and service to restore the right to life in Louisiana by opposing abortion, euthanasia, and other life destroying actions.